[3830] NAQP RTTY K2AV Single Op LP

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Tue Jul 23 02:19:13 EDT 2019

                    North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: K2AV
Operator(s): K2AV
Station: K2AV

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 2.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:  51     22
   20:  31     16
   15:   3      3
Total:  85     41  Total Score = 3,485




Mostly in this for the club competition participation multiplier PVRC. If I ever
get the station setup right and automatic for RTTY and setup ESM to work right
in MM, I might hit it for the 10 hours. But the excellent practice for such, a
weekly minitest for RTTY, is a sprint, all of which give me semi-permanent brain

I had the usual frantic can't get RTTY to work at the beginning. This time it
was forgetting to set VOX (which I never use for CW or SSB) to key K3 for
transmit from AFSK audio. I know there's a way to configure MM to always hit PTT
via serial port, just have to remember to do that and set it up so it comes up
without involving my stale thought process on the matter. Six months is about
enough to forget anything I don't use every day.

Was fun, but not high rates on a multiband dipole that needs taking down and
rework, and its feedline replaced. 

K3/KIO3B + multiband dipole, MMTTY

73, Guy

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