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Tue Jun 11 12:39:26 EDT 2019

                    DRCG WW RTTY Contest - 2019

Call: N6ERD
Operator(s): N6ERD
Station: NX6T

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band  QSOs  Countries  Call Areas
   80:    3        1         2
   40:   85       10        19
   20:  148     2251        23
   15:    2        1         1
   10:    0        0         0
Total:  238       35        46  Total Score = 405,567

Club: San Diego Contest Club


Compromised 80M antenna so ran lower power but with condx I'm not sure it really
mattered.  Period 1 was OK and where most of my 20M contacts came from even
though the contest started at 5PM local time.  I was able to work quite a few
JAs on 20M during that time.
The second period I could have slept through - a slow moving CME picked that
time to hit and the K increased up to 5 - the last 45 mins I called CQ and only
made one scratchy contact with an N9 station.  I'm curious how many decided to
throw in the towel at that point (I was sleep deprived so I did take a 1 hour
nap hoping things would improve during that time).
Finally I got up at 1AM local for the last leg and while 20M may have suffered,
40M seemed to be pretty decent - worked quite a few JA's even though the ideal
time for them is Friday night (not getting up for work the next day) but got
8/10 call areas.  
Interestingly I worked only one VK the entire contest, since I believe this
started life as the old ANARTS contest run out of VK.  I often pointed more
south to try to snag more but none were to be had.
I haven't worked this since 2013 and that was on the east coast, so it's a
completely different strategy here.  Not having much on 80M hurt as well, but I
have ideas of how to do better next time.  
I had fun in spite of the middle period condx.

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