[3830] WPX CW P49X(W0YK) SOSB20 HP

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Mon May 27 00:18:40 EDT 2019

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2019

Call: P49X
Operator(s): W0YK
Station: P40L/P49Y

Class: SOSB20 HP
QTH: FK52al
Operating Time (hrs): 16:47

 Band  QSOs
   20: 1575
Total: 1575  Prefixes = 759  Total Score = 3,534,663

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Really enjoyed the few hours I was able to operate.  The weekend turned out very
different than I had planned.  One radio was putting out a wide, spur-filled
signal when connected to an antenna, though clean in the dummy load.  Wasn’t
able to diagnose the problem so was down to one radio.  And, then, during the
travel between the Dayton Hamvention and here, I contracted some cold/flu thing
with severe congestion and blocked ears.  By Friday I was partially bed-ridden.

I downsized from SO AB HP to SO 20m HP so I could sleep at night.   I did manage
to work the first 3 hours, then crashed.  By Saturday morning I was too ill to
operate at all.  I spent several hours getting a local doctor to write
prescriptions for the drug regimen my stateside physician specified that
morning.  I was able to get another 4 hours in before collapsing in bed Saturday

Miraculously, I had enough strength back Sunday morning to operate most of the
day.  Signals on 20m were very weak most of the time here.  It sounds like the
band may have been better in NA and EU from the reports so far.

Thanks for all the calls and also to station owners W6LD and AE6Y.  The
reflector-less 4-element Yagi at 70’ worked fine, especially off the back to
SA, because I pretended that it was all intact.   K3S/P3 and 86 amp.  WriteLog
12.40B with Mortty/K3NG keyer.


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