webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue May 28 17:19:52 EDT 2019

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2019

Call: EE5X
Operator(s): EA5IIK
Station: EE5X

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 30

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   85
   40:  200
   20:  426
   15:   62
   10:    7
Total:  780  Prefixes = 447  Total Score = 775,460

Club: EA Contest Club


It is a delight to hear bands "boiling"  with CW signals , I have
enjoyed every second of the contest . My FT757GX  was broken short time before
so I had to use the backup trx - TS 130S- which has not CW filter at all so I
have had to overload my ears hi hi...Anyway , like allways , a lot of fun.Thanks
for qso-s and for the patience to copy my weak signals and sorry to those I
couldnt copy (I live in urban environment with constant S7-9 bad noises on 14
MHz and below). I used 100W ( or less on upper bands ) , an inverted Vee - cat
whiskers for 40/20m , tunable on 15 and 10m and for 80 m I added at each end two
vertical 10m fishing rods.I have also used for 20 m a fixed ( to West ) wire
Moxon. Not assisted , my home Wi-Fi doesnt reach to my radio room and I dont
miss it. I had not the intention to spend money in contest shack , for the
moment it is just a very pleasant hobby like others I have , but I believe
it"s time to reconsider it...
73s all and cuagn sn.

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