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Sun Nov 24 19:15:48 EST 2019

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2019

Call: N3RS
Operator(s): N3RS
Station: N3RS

Class: SO(A)AB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36:20
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  101    18       78
   80:  330    30      115
   40:  676    35      133
   20: 1216    34      135
   15:  333    25       98
   10:   36    13       24
Total: 2692   155      583  Total Score = 5,653,818

Club: Frankford Radio Club


Really surprisingly great LF conditions.  Didn't expect this to be so much fun. 
Had to leave the seat in the wee hours on Friday night for a couple of hours
sleep even though the bandss were still going strong.  Saturday night I went to
be just before 05Z for a 5 hour break and then another couple of hours off for
my church attendance.  A great weekend.  Haven't looked at the reported scores
yet, but there must be some records broken on the low bands.  Thanks for the

73 de Sig, N3RS 

 Band     QSOs     Pts  ZN   Cty  Pt/Q
   1.8     101     272   18   78   2.7
   3.5     330     908   30  115   2.8
     7     676    1922   35  133   2.8
    14    1216    3530   34  135   2.9
    21     333     932   25   98   2.8
    28      36      97   13   24   2.7
 Total    2692    7661  155  583   2.8
Score: 5,653,818
1 Mult = 3.6 Q's

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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