[3830] AzQP KD7H SOCW LP

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Sun Oct 13 19:51:16 EDT 2019

                    Arizona QSO Party - 2019

Call: KD7H
Operator(s): KD7H
Station: KD7H

Class: SOCW LP
QTH: Kirkland, WA
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:    0     0       0
   80:    0     0       0
   40:   10     0       0
   20:   18     0       0
   15:    0     0       0
   10:    0     0       0
    6:    0     0       0
    2:    0     0       0
Total:   28     0       0  CW Mults = 17  Ph Mults = 0  Dig Mults = 0  Total Score = 1,052

Club: Radio Club of Redmond


A BIG thanks to the Arizona cw ops who were active in the contest! I was
certainly happy that I could be heard on 40 cw since, in order to get on that
band, I pressed my Buddipole into service as a ground plane with one elevated
radial. I often checked 10 & 15 cw, but never heard an Arizona station up
Rig: IC-756PROII
Antennas: Cushcraft MA6V for 10, 15 & 20m; Buddipole GP on 40m.
73, Rob KD7H

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