[3830] PaQP K3WJV SOMixed HP

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Sun Oct 13 21:49:36 EDT 2019

                    Pennsylvania QSO Party - 2019

Call: K3WJV
Operator(s): K3WJV
Station: K3WJV

Class: SOMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:   48      4       
   80:  173    308       
   40:  182    205       
   20:  164    107       
   15:    1      1       
Total:  568    625      0  Mults = 145  Total Score = 256,145

Club: Frankford Radio Club


Close to last year's score but 106 less Q's, 29K less points and 3 fewer mults.
Got the sweep about 9pm Saturday night.  I tried my best to work as many of the
mobiles and rovers but at times I got very busy running and my so2r situation
needs some improvements. Only one of my rigs can go on ssb as I need to get
another microphone that is compatible with both radios so it limits things. I
didn't really do any heavy lifting with so2r but it does let me listen to
another band to see if its practical to interrupt things to work somebody else. 
It is still better than just one rig.  

I also tried very hard to pass Tioga County out as it is fairly rare.  There
were 2 other stations on but I don't think they were as active as I was but it
helps me get the sweep, hi.  I had a short chat with one of the stations who I
never realized was as close distance wise to me so I now know his call and hope
we can have an eyeball one of these days.

All in all I think it was a successful PAQP.  Thanks to the rovers/mobiles as
that was the only way I got a few of the counties for the sweep. My score
includes 4 Q's with the bonus station.  I had a lot of contacts with ops who I
usually only work on cw and it was fun having a little conversation with those

Rural wooded location 1255ft ASL

FT1000MP & Acom 2000a
K3/P3 & KPA1500

2el K4KIO 5 band Hexbeam @30ft  G-450A rotor & Green Heron
Inv vees for 40m-80m-trapped 160 @ 50ft
Rx ant - 200ft NE/SW kd9sv rbog

SO2R >> TopTen DxDoubler-Band Aides-relays-W2VJN stubs
       (not full blown so2r yet - need 2nd beam)

N1MM+ contest logger & DxLab master logger

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