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Sun Oct 20 11:18:10 EDT 2019

                    Worked All Germany Contest - 2019

Call: DK5TRI
Operator(s): DK5TRI
Station: DK5TRI

Class: SO CW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  CW Qs  SSB Qs  Mults
   80:  135      0      26
   40:  292      0      41
   20:  147      0      29
   15:   27      0      11
   10:    1      0       1
Total:  602      0     108  Total Score = 188,136

Club: Rhein Ruhr DX Association


What a great contest we had. Kinda weird that it all worked given that I
finalized the installation of my 80m antenna only hours before the start. Seems
Murphy got shied away by the rain.

Conditions were good, with 40m being the money band. It also turns out that a
contest is a lot more fun when you're the "DX" :).

One thing to note, is that many ops apparently failed to read and _understand_
the rules to know that NM in lieu of a DOK for non DARC members is a valid
exchange. I'm wondering how many simply didn't believe it and did not log the

All in all a successful weekend if I ignore the fact that I started two hours to
late on Sunday at 7 am local because my alarm was set to weekdays only. Clearly
operator or 0X1DI0T error.

A certainly pleasant surprise were the conditions on 15m on Sunday afternoon and
the highlight of the whole event, CR3W booming in loud on 10m for a brief

Thanks for all the great QSOs and cu in the next one.

Rig: TS-480SAT (not a contest rig)
Ant: AV-640S vertical, 80m inverted-L

73 Mike DK5TRI

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