[3830] SAC CW OZ7A M/S HP

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Mon Sep 23 03:11:33 EDT 2019

                    Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW - 2019

Call: OZ7A
Operator(s): DL2JRM DL5SE OZ1IKY
Station: OZ7A

Class: M/S HP
QTH: jo65hp
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  487    43
   40:  513    55
   20:  475    59
   15:  105    26
   10:   17     9
Total: 1597   192  Total Score = 665,472

Club: Bavarian Contest Club



Oh yet another great radio contesting weekend.
The Polar Battle in CW.

Thanks to everybody who made it into the log of OZ7A. All should be on LOTW by
But also a speciel thanks to Rene DL2JRM and Daniel DL5SE for
making the trip to Copenhagen and helping us running our station 
to what ever limits we could find (didnt find any we could do anything about

Many in OZ complained about CONDX - but we found our self busy more or less all
24 hours.
Also we found that many was falling into the "RUN-trap" where
everything was running ok on one band
- but forgetting the multiplier-hunt! We for sure didnt forget it.

But besides all that we had a lot of fun - thats also important.

VY 73 and see you in the next Polar Battle.

Kenneth OZ1IKY

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