[3830] 222SprngSprnt K9JK/R(@C0ROVEROLLA) Rover LP

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Wed Apr 15 16:06:57 EDT 2020

                    222 MHz Spring Sprint - 2020

Call: K9JK/R
Operator(s): K9JK

Class: Rover LP
QTH: IL-EN51/52/61/62
Operating Time (hrs): 3.2

Total:  QSOs = 71  Mults = 23  Total Score = 1,633

Club: Badger Contesters


Congrats to Wyatt, AC0RA/R for another awesome effort.

A decent number of stations active around Chicago and surrounding areas offset
conditions that seemed below normal; many stations who are usually quite strong
and easy to copy were a challenge in this one.

Of 24 different calls in my log, 4 of which were other rovers, I managed to log
71 QSOs, 29 with other rovers (yes, I'll admit to a 16 Q 'dance' around the
local grid corner with one of the other rovers) and 42 with fixed stations. 

Beside contacts completed with other stations in the local 4 Grids: EN51, EN52,
EN61 and EN62; six contacts were completed with stations in EN41 and one contact
each with stations in EN53, EN54 and EN72 for a total of 23 multipliers.

No FT8 or CW this time - all Qs were Phone, both SSB and FM. My 'old faithful'
Timex, er, Yaesu FT-736R keeps on ticking and a recently acquired
"DEMI-TEC" (Teletec repackaged and sold by DEMI) really boosted my
signal and I apologize that it may have made me an alligator (big mouth, tiny

Most of the Qs were made using a KU4AB omni loop mounted on the CoROVERolla, and
I left the home QTH with a painter's pole and 5 element yagi but FORGOT to bring
a coax cable. As activity declined, I returned to the home QTH to get a length
of coax and set up them up as the CoROVERolla was in the driveway and found a
few 'new' stations to work and I headed out again to revisit a different grid
and found five more contact opportunities.

Thanks to all who were on and to CSVHFS for their continued sponsorship of the
Spring VHF & UP Sprint series and to the program committee of KA2KQM, W0ZQ
and WB8BZK.

Until next week for the 432 MHz Sprint.

73, JK

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