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Sun Apr 19 20:38:02 EDT 2020

                    CQMM DX Contest - 2020

Call: WD6T
Operator(s): WD6T
Station: WD6T

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Berkeley, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 7:40

 Band  QSOs  Prefixes
   80:   15       0
   40:   92       3
   20:  227       8
   15:   11       5
Total:  212     639  Countries = 25  Total Score = 26,199

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Casual effort from modest home station Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. 
Slept in and missed the 20m European opening. But 40m was pretty good to EU Sat.
night.  Virtually no Asian opening on 20m at the end.  15m quirky with spotlight
propagation.  80m very sparse. 

Difficult to copy the third letter of the exchange.  Stations should repeat it,
especially if they have third letter.  Especially insidious are the QRP
stations, since they're hard to copy anyway and having that trailing
"Q" is easy to miss.  But sometimes it was my fault and I jumped the
gun forgetting to wait for the third character.  

N1MM Band scope (fed by I/Q output of 7610) was extremely helpful in identifying
signals, as most spots were inaudible for me.  It was much better than the
built-in IC-7610 scope.

Thanks to LY2A for being the only EU who heard my CQ on 40. 

And thanks to Kent, KH6CJJ for working me on 4 bands. If only we could have
gotten 10m.

Nice texting with K7GK, N6WM, N6RO and K6AW to pass the time when rates were
slow (which was most of the time... highest rate was 28).


Icom IC-7610 (SO2V),  Icom PW-1
10/15/20 - KLM KT34A (4-elements), roof-mounted @ 30 feet
40/80 - Butternut HF2V 33' vertical, ground-mounted, with radials on only one

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