[3830] FlQP K8MR/SAR SOABMixed LP

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Sun Apr 26 22:45:41 EDT 2020

                    Florida QSO Party - 2020

Call: K8MR/SAR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K8MR

Class: SOABMixed LP
QTH: Sarasota, FL
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   751     
   20:   624    3
Total:  1375    3  CW Mults = 57  Ph Mults = 3  Total Score = 330,360

Club: Florida Contest Group


There's no way, at least as I see it, to report my results as the Sarasota
county "Virtual Mobile" So here are the totals by callsign, one hour
each, in the order activated. I also made three SSB QSOs in the first hour as
N4EEB, but quickly realized (as I already knew) that SSB from my condo station
of a K3 and G5RV at 35 feet is not a killer phone station. Numbers are 40/20

N4EEB   14/96
N4AO    12/111
N4KM    17/134
K4OJ    17/134
NN4FL   37/97
W4WF    58/43
W4FCG   72/09
NX4N    164/0
N4TO    179/0
K4KG    181/0

It was blast, and I had far more QSOs than I might have had doing things under a
single call. Of course I've long known the fun of being a fresh callsign, both
as a mobile in a new county, and as a "fresh meat" station in CW SS.

This was all on Saturday. Sunday I went out for an unofficial mobile effort with
my own call, to activate five likely rare or missing counties, as well as to
have run running the pileups.

Thanks to all who took part in the 2020 FQP. Hopefully next we'll all be back
for next year's FQP.

73 -  Jim  K8MR

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