[3830] FlQP N4EEB/HIL(NX4N) SOABMixed HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Apr 28 10:52:00 EDT 2020

                    Florida QSO Party - 2020

Operator(s): NX4N
Station: NX4N

Class: SOABMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 2

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
Total:  139     15  CW Mults = 47  Ph Mults = 7  Total Score = 15,822

Club: Florida Contest Group


Hi All,
The Virtual Mobiles (VM's) we created for the Florida QSO Party seemed to work
to a degree; since there is no easy way of showing a summary of results on 3830
I thought I'd shared them here each time I posted one of my Vm's.

First - I can confirm say this was a *very* positive experience on our VM
operators end - the totals are just huge!  We're all just giddy.  You will see -
wait for others to report.
My station in HOA land is small - single radio, 20m LP attic dipole and 40m 500W
to a quarter wave stealth vertical in the back yard (20 ground radials).
Even so, I thought my totals (1800+ Q's) were FB considering my station
limitations - see table at bottom.  Please note - the numbers for each VM call
represent two hours of operating, once Saturday and again (rinse and repeat)
with the same call Sunday.

The VM's certainly do not replace real Mobiles for activating counties and
offering county sweeps.  But they sure can simulate mobile rates!  Keep in mind,
we only did 10 counties as a trail run; so our Sunday repeated the same Counties
as Saturday.  If we had used another 10 new VM calls, Sunday would clearly have
been another wild run day.
We put this idea in place in a short period of time (approx. 2 weeks) so there
was little time to try to find more counties and operators.  

Last point - each Host operator is entrusted with the care and good operating
practice for each VM call; the VM trustee's own license is on the line.  Care
must be taken to ensure that a group of ops doing VM's trusts their license in
the hands of the others, and visa versa.   We gave each other written permission
to be a Control Op for our call for FQP.  Most hams are 'good eggs' but some
dicernment is required.

Your feedback, both positive and *constructive* regarding the VM program is most
How did you like or dislike it?  
What specifically?
Please send feedback to me directly, cqdenx4n at gmail.com

Finally - QP and other contest organizers, please feel free to 'shamelessly
steal' the VM idea and improve upon it for your own contests; we're all in this
together and the fun must continue :-)

vy 73,
Chris, NX4N
HOST - NX4N (20m - LP Attic Dipole; 40m - 500W Quartr Wave Vert w/20radials)			
N4TO/HIL	24,766	206	15
K4KG/HIL	15,708	146	16
N4EEB/HIL	15,822	139	15
N4AO/HIL	13,301	135	13
N4KM/HIL	17,967	164	11
K4OJ/HIL	15,350	151	5
NN4FL/HIL	17,150	175	0
W4WF/HIL	27,492	237	0
W4FCG/HIL	30,680	219	34
NX4N/HIL	26,260	202	18
TOTAL	       204,496	1,774	127

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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