webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Feb 17 23:29:01 EST 2020

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2020

Call: NN7CW
Operator(s): NN7CW
Station: NN7CW

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 41:02
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  176    57
   80:  414    70
   40:  843    89
   20: 1151    92
   15:  209    64
   10:   31    15
Total: 2824   387  Total Score = 3,246,156

Club: Florida Contest Group


Great success! After last year's frustration because of poor high band antennas
(I quit after 24 hours), my station has finally reached a stage of equal
capabilities across all bands. Last minute repairs (broken amplifier and an
early stage radio design flaw) were successful and the only frustrating
pre-contest issues I had to deal with were my usual network problems between the
two recently OS-upgraded computers I am using, this time caused by the Windows
10 firewall. Once I was up and running, things were working flawlessly.
I missed my goal (42h) by about an hour, which was caused by some chores I had
to take care of Saturday afternoon, but apart from that, I was able to stick
with my schedule.

Bands as I perceived them:
10: Saturday: bust; Sunday afternoon: only a few SA stations and the usual
suspects in the Caribbean - sad, but inevitable
15: considering the sunspot cycle, I'd call it mediocre. There was a decent EU
opening Sunday afternoon, but only a few stations dared to give it a shot.
Thanks to all who did!
20: unsurprisingly busy - everyone's default band
40: Fr-Sa: low rates and produced less than I expected; improved Sa-Su
80: solid, low noise, no static crashes and pretty much as expected
160: great fun! Very quiet and lots of stations to work! Much busier than I

Some stats I found interesting:

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      5     84      4      0      0     93     93    3.3
0100       0     29     51      0      0      0     80    173    6.1
0200      10     16     48      0      0      0     74    247    8.7
0300       4     60     11      0      0      0     75    322   11.4
0400       0     56     18      0      0      0     74    396   14.0
0500       0     41     23      0      0      0     64    460   16.3
0600      17      8     53      0      0      0     78    538   19.1
0700      11     16     56      0      0      0     83    621   22.0
0800       0      0      6      0      0      0      6    627   22.2
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    627   22.2
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    627   22.2
1100       0     11     12      2      0      0     25    652   23.1
1200       0      0     20     42      0      0     62    714   25.3
1300       0      0      0     66      3      0     69    783   27.7
1400       0      0      0    160      1      0    161    944   33.4
1500       0      0      0    147      0      0    147   1091   38.6
1600       0      0      0    103     11      0    114   1205   42.7
1700       0      0      0     89      9      0     98   1303   46.1
1800       0      0      0     55     16      0     71   1374   48.7
1900       0      0      0     20      5      0     25   1399   49.5
2000       0      0      0      9      5      0     14   1413   50.0
2100       0      0      0      3     20      0     23   1436   50.8
2200       0      0      1     20      0      0     21   1457   51.6
2300       0      0     10     43      0      0     53   1510   53.5
0000       0      4     37      2      0      0     43   1553   55.0
0100       0     27     40      0      0      0     67   1620   57.4
0200       4     13     31      0      0      0     48   1668   59.1
0300      41      1      5      0      0      0     47   1715   60.7
0400      54      0      5      0      0      0     59   1774   62.8
0500      35     28      7      0      0      0     70   1844   65.3
0600       0     66     18      0      0      0     84   1928   68.3
0700       0      7     83      0      0      0     90   2018   71.5
0800       0      0     73      0      0      0     73   2091   74.0
0900       0      0     15      0      0      0     15   2106   74.6
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2106   74.6
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2106   74.6
1200       0      5      1     33      0      0     39   2145   76.0
1300       0      0      0     94     12      0    106   2251   79.7
1400       0      0      0     55     36      0     91   2342   82.9
1500       0      0      0     51     12      0     63   2405   85.2
1600       0      0      0     74     28      0    102   2507   88.8
1700       0      0      0     36     24      0     60   2567   90.9
1800       0      0      0      7     10     19     36   2603   92.2
1900       0      0      0      3     14     11     28   2631   93.2
2000       0      0      0     23      1      1     25   2656   94.1
2100       0      0     42     10      2      0     54   2710   96.0
2200       0      2     68      0      0      0     70   2780   98.4
2300       0     18     25      0      0      0     43   2823  100.0
Total    176    414    843   1151    209     31   2824

Gross QSOs=2938        Dupes=114        Net QSOs=2824

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                 160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America     21     36     42     40     36     15    190    6.7
South America      3      7     18     32     55     16    131    4.6
Europe           148    357    726    998    106      0   2335   82.7
Asia               0      3     35     62      0      0    100    3.5
Africa             4      4      9     10      7      0     34    1.2
Oceania            0      7     13      9      5      0     34    1.2
Total            176    414    843   1151    209     31   2824

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    1215
2 bands     303
3 bands     161
4 bands      73
5 bands      36
6 bands       8

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

HI3LT       PJ2T        PJ4A        ZF1A        KP2M        HC5DX       
VP5K        TI7W  

The best 60 minute rate was 170/hour from 1405 to 1504
The best 30 minute rate was 178/hour from 1405 to 1434
The best 10 minute rate was 204/hour from 1405 to 1414

The best 1 minute rates were:
 5 QSOs/minute    2 times.
 4 QSOs/minute   42 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  189 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  568 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  942 times.

I was delighted by the small amount of domestic callers (aka zero-pointers),
compared to CQWW. Only a few decided to stick around after specifically throwing
in a couple of CQ DX. To everyone who courteously complied: thank you very

Interjections from the nuthouse: I encountered one guy who was anonymously
sending "QRS", but would not call me, despite me repeating my call
sequence twice at 20WPM. When I sped up again, he tried to QRM me, but that
didn't bother me too much. It reminded me of the weekly QRQ sked I have with
some friends, during which we are frequently bothered by jammers and people who
start calling CQ on our frequency at low speeds, probably because they can't
comprehend what's going on. And then there was that guy on 80m who anonymously
started jamming me right at the end of the contest to make sure I won't be able
to complete my QSO with SP5I, assuming that we were mischievously plotting to
rubber-clock the log afterwards to snatch another thousand points or so... It
surely is interesting that all those pathetic individuals choose to violate the
terms and conditions their license privilege is dependent on, just to release
some irrational anger and frustration.

Otherwise I was pleased by the huge amount of very capable operators from all
over the world who allowed me to run at decent speeds, despite just being one of
the many guys from the mainland. Thanks to all of you!

In a nutshell, I am very happy with the result and enjoyed running across many
friends and acquaintances! Thanks everyone and I hope we meet again in WPX!

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