[3830] TBDC AI1TT(W1WBB) Multi-Op LP

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Wed Jan 8 20:34:04 EST 2020

                    Stew Perry Topband Challenge - 2019

Call: AI1TT
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: Multi-Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

Total:  QSOs = 277  Total Score = 2,011

Club: CT RI Contest Group


**claimed score of 2011 pts per N1MM+ Logger**  

Very Very good conditions to Eu from here ... 51 Eu Q's in log (confirmed, a
week after contest end; 2 Eu busts so far) -- more than double any previous TBDC
effort here!!  And 71 "10 point or greater" QSOs, 30 more than my
previous best.  58 total DX stations were initially worked.  But of course this
event is all about the distance, and not the (DX) prefix -- the terrific format
remains!  Conditions to Far West in this one not real great though, no W6
station worked (but ten Zone 3 stations logged).  

The minimal number of Spotted DX station pileups makes this a much more
enjoyable event to operate as a low power entry too!  It's my favorite event on
160m ... with submitted logs now over 1000 for two years running!

This was first TBDC effort having my Inv L radiator extended up to 75+ feet
vertical - it helped.  Further ground radial additions needed, as well as better
RX antenna set-up.  All equipment/antennas *on-site*, no remote ... suburban 100
ft x 200 ft space.  Certainly, lots of well-equipped competitors out there in
all categories on Topband nowadays!!

Icom IC-7300, 5/16 wave Inv L for TX/RX and ~ 18 misc ground radials, very
occasional use of HF Hexbeam or 225 ft BOG manually switched in for RX.

73, Bill W1WBB (principle op. @ AI1TT)

***Sponsor calculated score currently at 2389 pts, as of Jan 8, 2020***

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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