[3830] RAC Day K4HQK SOAB HP
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Wed Jul 1 22:02:32 EDT 2020
RAC Canada Day Contest - 2020
Call: K4HQK
Operator(s): K4HQK
Station: K4HQK
Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Alexandria, VA
Operating Time (hrs):
Band CW Qs Ph Qs CW Mults Ph Mults
80: 18 0 4 0
40: 45 2 9 2
20: 48 12 9 8
15: 3 0 3 0
Total: 114 14 25 10 Total Score = 52,220
Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club
As much as I enjoy this contest working our neighbors to the north--and with one
exception (KL7SB), I only worked Canadians via S&P--I wish the rules
restricted non-Canadians to working only the hams of Canada. I can't see the
point in Americans working other Americans in their Canada Day contest. Most of
the U.S. stations were very strong and many spent the whole contest period
running. To top it off, this July 1 coincided with the weekly one-hour contests
of the CW Operators Club, which clogged the middle of the CW bands at 1300Z and
again at 1900Z, driving out all the Canadians for an hour each time. Sponsors,
please give this your consideration.
That said, activity was robust Tuesday night but fairly thin throughout
Wednesday until late afternoon, when the rush to conclusion began. Band
conditions were fair, although both evenings suffered QRN, especially Wednesday
as thunderstorms closed in. The best bands were 40m and 20m, of course, with 80m
coming in third. The 15m band winked at us for a little while Wednesday midday,
but I could squeeze out only 3 QSOs before 15 went belly-up.
Like the 2019 Canada Day contest, I was able to work virtually every Canadian
station I heard from PEI to BC, but never heard VE8, VY0, or VY1. I worked VO1
twice but never heard a VO2. I had intended to make this an all-CW effort but
activity in the CW bands became so slack Wednesday afternoon that I caved and
flipped to SSB for a while, although that didn't yield many QSOs.
All things considered, RAC contests are a treat. I'm looking forward to all
future contests from the land of the maple leaf!
My station is an Icom 7410, Ameritron ALS-600 amp (500w), a Cushcraft R6000
vertical, and dipoles.
John K4HQK
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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