[3830] RAC Day N6ZFO SOAB HP

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Wed Jul 1 22:23:41 EDT 2020

                    RAC Canada Day Contest - 2020

Call: N6ZFO
Operator(s): N6ZFO
Station: N6ZFO

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12.5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  CW Mults  Ph Mults
  160:    0      0       0         0
   80:   38     13       4         2
   40:   76     19       8         5
   20:  232    164      12        11
   15:   12      0       3         0
   10:    0      0       0         0
    6:    0      0       0         0
    2:    0      0       0         0
Total:  258    196      27        18  Total Score = 175,500

Club: Northern California Contest Club


RAC Canada Day was a bloody good contest.  The bloody part was at the beginning,
when a light bulb in my desk lamp broke while I was adjusting it, putting a
troubling slice in my left index finger at the joint, with lots of blood drops. 
Not good.  Took 40 mins. . pressure, ice, lying down for a while then bandage
and antiseptic to get it stabilized, Rather uncomfortable situation for a few
hours.  But OK on Day 2.  

Always an enjoyable contest.  I monitored 6m for Es, but nothing showed. 
Opening on 15 was brief, yielding VE3, VE7 and VE6 mults.  Lack of 160m hurt the
score some, but good news was that the repaired KPA-1500 arrived Monday
afternoon and performed flawlessly.

Surprised at the relatively small number of non-VE QSO's, as evidenced by a high
7 pts/Q average..  Some were DX. .  LZ5R, an LA9 at close and an English stn
right at the beginning.  Bodes well for upcoming IARU test.

73 Bill n6zfo

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