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Sun Jul 12 16:55:55 EDT 2020

                    IARU HF World Championship - 2020

Call: K1XM
Operator(s): K1XM
Station: K1XM

Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:     3            1        2
   80:   137           15       22
   40:   534           31       40
   20:   419           29       37
   15:   217           19       27
   10:   101           10       17
Total:  1411    0     105      145  Total Score = 1,171,750

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


I'm tired!

I don't usually operate the IARU because I'm out of town that weekend but the
conference was canceled due to COVID-19 so I was home.

I was surprised at how good 10 meters was.  I spent too much time there but I
was having fun.  On the other hand 80 and 160 were pretty noisy, probably a
combination of summer static and the nearby tropical storm.

Not usually operating IARU I didn't have much of a strategy.  I found myself
ahead of W1UE in QSOs but well behind in multipliers which told me I needed to
push them more.  I have SO2R capability but I don't use it much.  I have a
triplexer but it is not connected at the moment.  And the FT-1000mp radio #2 is
not nearly as good a CW radio as the K3 radio #1.  I made fewer than five second
radio QSOs in the contest but I used it to check for band openings and to put up
a bandmap for a second band.

With good conditions I can work most of the US, Canada, and some Caribbean on
160 using 30 watts into my 80 meter dipole.  Not this time - I could barely work
NU1AW and a Zone 8 station.  The big VE3 stations could not hear me at all and
neither could W1AW/4.  I figured the only other multiplier I could work would be
K1ZZ.  So I set up an RBN window to watch him and when he went to 160 I made my
QSO.  It only took him three times to get my callsign.  I really should put up a
160 antenna.

Thanks to everyone who worked me and especially to my wife Charlotte, KQ1F, who
puts up with me.

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