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Mon Jul 20 20:15:59 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide VHF Contest - 2020

Call: NJ4Y
Operator(s): NJ4Y
Station: NJ4Y

Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  143    71
    2:   49    26
Total:  192    97  Total Score = 23,377

Club: FWSS


This was my first serious solo effort in a VHF contest, thanks to a lot of help
and inspiration from AC0RA. While I live in Florida, my parents have a house in
NC. Exploring the area I found a high spot, Buck Bald in EM75, the very eastern
edge of TN. My first thought on driving to the top was - this would be a killer
place for a VHF contest!

So, coming off the high from operating at KG5CCI in the June contest, I decided
to do just that with a mindset to win, or at least give it everything I had. My
gear was an FT-991, FT-857, 6m3ss, and a 7 el Innovantennas for 2m. I used a max
gain 25' push-up mast supported by a drive on mount to hoist the antennas.
Powering everything including my all important box fan was a little sportsman
800w inverter/generator.

The plan was to use the 857 for 2, and 991 for 6, mainly operating 6 and
monitoring 2 for activity. I had some trouble with the 857 so ended up losing
that mid way through and finishing the contest with the 991 on both bands.

Mostly my totals consist of just slow slugging it out on 6m ft8 working whoever
I could hear. A surprise plus was working what seemed like every station in GA
on 6m ssb during band downtimes. 2m was very slow but steady, and again I was
surprised by the number of locals I worked simplex - even a few on 146.55 FM. 6m
didn't pick up until the last 2 hours or so of the contest starting with FN-land
and slowly shifting out west to TX/OK and XE area. The limitations of QRP FT8
can get frustrating, when you're hearing someone at -3dB and they can't hear you
calling in the pileup! It was way more fun when the band opened enough for SSB!

My spot on Buck Bald worked really well, except for the heat (102 on Saturday,
with a heat index of 113), and the crowds of people who came up comet hunting.
If I do this again next year, I might check out some of the other drive-up peaks
in the area.

All in all though, I'm happy with how it went. I operated the entire contest
period except taking 1 hour break due to nearby lightning, and a hour or so nap
in the middle of the night when everything went quiet on the air. I don't think
I left any potential qsos unmade, and had a great time (the kind of great time
that leaves you saying "I don't care if I touch a radio for 2 weeks after
this"). Of course I'm already thinking of going back with 70cm for the 222
and up contest :)

matt nj4y

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