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Wed Jul 22 10:06:04 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide VHF Contest - 2020

Call: N1AV
Operator(s): N1AV
Station: N1AV

Class: SOSB/6 HP
Operating Time (hrs): all

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  307   128
Total:  307   128  Total Score = 39,296

Club: Arizona VHF Society


This was a fun event.  My first time ever running "single band"
anything. I have put a lot of time and effort into my 6m station so I wanted to
give it a go to see what it could do. Some moments it was very exhilarating on
the bands, while others I did air squats at my operating table with the
headphones on to break up the boredom.  I think I put about 30 miles worth to
travel on my rotor, it was almost moving non stop for the contest as I was
looking for anything to work and put in the log.    The event started out strong
with a quick run on voice for the first hour of the contest, then moved to
digital.  During the contents I ran FT4, FT8, MSK144 and SSB.  I wish more ops
had thought about FT4.. but oh well.  All we can do is promote the activity. 
Band conditions were very flakey.  Hard to find prop strong enough to support
voice contacts for more than 3-4 min at a time.  Signals were just not strong
Had a lot of spotlight double hop prop on Sunday and due to this I think I
qualified for the Worked ALL FN42 Award.  10 min later- all signals gone. Soon
after I had a software crash just as I saw W3EP and W8ZN calling me.  ARRRRRRG! 
 Did manage to catch W8ZN for an ATNO in the last hour of the contest. SWEET. 
AL1VE was another catch I was hunting for the whole contest for an ANTO.  Thanks
guys for the efforts!
Thanks to WZ1V for sticking with me and working me on voice, my only SSB contact
out of New England, and he was LOUD.  Nice to have a short conversation with
AC0RA/R on SSB as well.. too bad we had just worked on FT8 5 min earlier.  
Congrats to K9DR for joining the ranks of MSK ops, you had a great signal and I
am happy to be your #1 on MSK144.

Thanks for all the grid expeditions, the PNW and Central States rovers, and all
the folks who had patience through the quick fades and very strange prop over
the weekend.  
Special thanks to all the family members who put up with us.    

Already thinking about station tweaks to improve for next year.
Stay healthy and radio active.  See you on the bands.

- Jay N1AV

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