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Wed Jul 29 15:27:13 EDT 2020

                    IOTA Contest - 2020

Call: AI1TT
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: SO(A)12CW LP
QTH: NA-031
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
   80:   41       7                 
   40:  164      23                 
   20:  127      25                 
   15:   14       1                 
   10:    1       1                 
Total:  347      57       0        0  Total Score = 151,050

Club: CT RI Contest Group


Bad bad timing this year - *terrible* HF conditions here due to geoeffective
Coronal Mass Ejection strike right during the contest.  No DX worked on 10m/15m,
and only eight (difficult!) Eu QSOs in the log on 20m prior to 2000Z.  In
addition, due to COVID-19 restrictions, *many* fewer IOTA activations occurred
-- just 33 unique IOTAs were worked and only 91 15-point Island QSOs along with
just 57 total IOTA band-mults were made (all-time lows for me for sustained 12
hour effort).  My 20m QSOs/mults are worst ever in this event.

At least there were plenty of NA callers in the log which was great for this
year.  Highlight:  got AA4V/NA-110 on all 5 bands -- TNX!!  Nice to get ZL3 on
40m near my sunrise too.

IOTA QSOs = 26% of log.  Unique IOTAs found: 14 NA, 16 EU, 1 AF, 1 AS, 1 OC.

Tnx to all for the QSOs de Aquidneck Island Transmitting Team (AI1TT), Aquidneck
Island NA-031, Rhode Island Group... 73, W1WBB, Trustee/Primary Op

Icom IC-7300; Hexbeam at 32 ft (10m-20m), 88 ft doublet up near 40 ft on 40/80m
plus 80m Half-Diamond for 80m DX; N1MM+ Logger/WinKeyer USB for CW.

                 ***  QSLs *ONLY* via Club Log and LoTW  ***

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