[3830] NAQP RTTY WD6T(@W6YX) Single Op LP

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Sun Mar 1 04:22:40 EST 2020

                    North American QSO Party, RTTY - February

Call: WD6T
Operator(s): WD6T
Station: W6YX

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Stanford, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  116    35
   40:  316    52
   20:  309    51
   15:   64    26
   10:    1     1
Total:  806   165  Total Score = 132,990

Club: Northern California Contest Club

Team: NCCC Team #1


Despite having set everything up the night before, technical difficulties arose
that were not resolved until nearly 2 hours into the contest. So much for
planning my breaks! This meant that I missed most of the 15m action/mults, and
had to do the rest of the contest with no break for lunch/dinner/bio, and a
rather discombobulated brain from all the thrashing. 

Apart from that, it went well.  I took advantage of the large W6YX antenna farm,
which allows true in-band SO2R. I worked my way down... 15/20, 20/20, 20/40,
40/40, 40/80, 80/80. There was an issue with one of the 40m antennas that caused
some consternation but another (third) 40m antenna was available so I switched
to it on one radio.  Beverages were used on 80 (once I remembered to turn them
on...oops), which meant that I could decode people who couldn't hear me. 
Propagation on 80 was limited to W9 until the last hour, when it opened up, and
many who I had been calling fruitlessly now answered *my* CQs. 

I started with more-or-less the default N1MM macros, but pared them down as I
went along, as they seemed too long, in general. Next time, I should do a pass
on them and get them more to my liking.

All in all, it was a fun contest, with lots of action on the two radios. I used
two different tone frequencies, which helped me differentiate the two radios.
One thing is clear...there is *plenty* to do when operating a RTTY contest,
especially with two radios, and without assistance. 

Many thanks to Mike N7MH for helping me set up and resolve the problems that
arose. Also thanks to the NCCC "brain trust" for trouble-shooting

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