[3830] OkQP K3WJV SOABMixed HP

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Sun Mar 15 23:04:09 EDT 2020

                    Oklahoma QSO Party - 2020

Call: K3WJV
Operator(s): K3WJV
Station: K3WJV

Class: SOABMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 11.4

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:   10              
   40:   68     12       
   20:   70     24       
Total:  148     36      0  Mults = 65  Total Score = 33,540

Club: Frankford Radio Club


Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the mobiles for making this a
fantastic Qso party. 133 of my 184 Q's were with mobiles accounting for 51 of my
65 mults. Hats off to the mobiles and their support crew!  Hopefully all made it
home safely.

I'm kicking myself for starting 3 hours late on Saturday. The counties I missed
were all on the planned routes for Saturday so there was a chance I might have
been able to get a sweep. I only worked AB5J once and 3 of the counties I needed
were on his schedule so maybe a sweep still wouldn't have happened but I think
those 3 lost hours most likely kept me from 200 Q's. Oh well, the old shoulda
coulda story.

Stats for the mobiles: Q's/Mults - K5CM 50/23, W5YO 31/8, N5C 27/10, W0BH 24/9
and AB5J 1/1 thank you all for contributing to my score. I hope you had as much
fun as I did on my end. I'm looking forward to next year and hope you all will
be returning.

Rural wooded location 1255ft ASL

FT1000MP & Acom 2000a
K3/P3 & KPA1500

2el K4KIO 5 band Hexbeam @30ft  G-450A rotor & Green Heron controller
Inv vees @ 50ft for 40m-80m-trapped 160
Rx ant - 200ft NE/SW kd9sv rbog

SO2R >> TopTen DxDoubler-Band Aides-relays-W2VJN stubs
       (not full blown so2r yet - need 2nd beam)

N1MM+ contest logger & DxLab master logger

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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