[3830] Rus DX M7K(M0SDV) SO CW HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Mar 22 16:56:25 EDT 2020

                    Russian DX Contest - 2020

Call: M7K
Operator(s): M0SDV
Station: M0NKR

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: Suffolk
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:   132             36        32
   80:   486             51        60
   40:   633             68        62
   20:   577             65        73
   15:    31             16         5
   10:     0              0         0
Total:  1859    0       236       232  Total Score = 4,977,648



Thanks to Andy M0NKR and Laura M0LJD for hosting me this weekend!

Conditions were quite reasonable for this contest and there was plenty of
activity and some nice DX. Perhaps because so many are locked inside??, but it
made a fun contest!


Icom IC7610 + SPE Amplifier

20m - 10m Force 12 XR6 @60ft
40m Rotary Dipole @70ft
80/160m Dipoles @ 55ft

Good Luck, See you at the next one! 
73, Jamie M0SDV/M7K

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