[3830] NewEngQP N8II Single Op LP

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Fri May 8 15:10:53 EDT 2020

                    New England QSO Party - 2020

Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): ~14

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
Total:    164      181  Mults = 60  Total Score = 30,540

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


I was trying to seriously compete in all 4 QP's which left a few Q's on the
table Saturday for sure. Trying to work NE on 20 CW Saturday was really
difficult due to loud callers out west (a waste of precious time), and Sunday
was not much better with quite weak signals. There were no really loud 1's on 20
the whole contest; on Sunday a few ME and very Eastern MA stations were starting
to not skip over here.
The saving grace was nearly perfect conditions on 40. Saturday was good on 40
until about 0030Z and then 80M activity gradually improved. On Sunday, 40 was
about as good as it could get into NE from here. I was able to run stations on
40 SSB off and on all day and they were still loud at 2320Z when my attention
shifted to 80 trying to catch stations which were not there the evening before.
Some pretty rare counties called during my SSB runs making up for mults
otherwise very difficult without a 20M opening. Franklin, ME called on 75M with
3 minutes left for 60 counties, about 10-14 more than I expected to work. Home
station activity made up for the lack of mobiles. The large number of stations
chasing spots from outside of NE made for extreme QRM on CW "fresh
meat" Sunday and cost everybody time.

20 is open to New England today on sporadic E. No breakdown by band is possible
due to 4 QP's in log, but suffice it say say the vast majority of Q's were on
40. Thanks for all of the calls and Q's. It was fun despite being weary Sunday.

73 and stay well, Jeff

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