[3830] King of Spain CW OM2VL(@OM8A) SOAB HP

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Sat May 23 07:27:33 EDT 2020

                    His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW - 2020

Call: OM2VL
Operator(s): OM2VL
Station: OM8A

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Okoc
Operating Time (hrs): 24:00

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   60    39
   80:  224    74
   40:  527    96
   20:  504   101
   15:  225    75
   10:  125    54
Total: 1665   439  Total Score = 1,081,257

Club: Slovak Contest Group


As SWL I taken part 2 times in the His Majesty the King of Spain Contest and I
won so beautiful trophy in 1995 and 1996. Unfortunately as HAM I take part only
this year first time. I enjoyed the contest so much. My setup prepared for the
SO2R , but unfortunately Murphy can't take part as SO2R and I had more another
problems during the contest, but I enjoyed every minutes!
The activity was excellent,nice pileups, it was every time hard decision to stay
on the band or QSY to another. 
On Sunday morning I went to the 15/10m the rate was so light, but because of the
possible multipliers I stay mostly on this 2 bands. I am pretty sure when I
could use 2nd radio for 20m/40m my QSO number will be much much higher + some
more multipliers... 
Stations on South had better opening on 15/10m I heard him working many
multipliers which I never heard.
Missed EA regions: (8)
EA3: L
EA7: H

13 regions worked on all 6 bands!

399 x EA on the LOG

Thanks for the QSOs!

73, Laci OM2VL

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