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Mon Nov 30 10:59:33 EST 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2020

Call: K9GY
Operator(s): K9GY
Station: K9GY

Class: SO(A)AB LP
QTH: Maine FN54
Operating Time (hrs): 
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   11     3        5
   80:   18     9        9
   40:   44    13       30
   20:   94    12       42
   15:  116    13       47
   10:   43    10       15
Total:  326    60      148  Total Score = 184,288

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters


Last minute decision to use RemoteHamRadio W1/Athens (Flex 6400, OCF dipole 100
feet, 500 feet ASL)...reserved whole 48 hours to avoid any conflicts. Operated
from SE Virginia using Verizon Fios internet (about 50-60 Mbps). Weather was 60s
during both days here which is more challenging to stay indoors.  

Initial goal was 300 then increased to 350. Mainly daytime and early evening
activity. Didn't want to trash myself out sleep-wise due to work on Monday.
Really just wanted to get on and have fun... High power and stacks would have
been better but hey work with what you got. 

Best part was local (Maine) sunrise because I had an advantage before the rest
of NA arrived on 20 plus EU was loud by then. Didn't have to wait in line for a
QSO then, hah! That was special for sure. 

Best QSX (but no QSO): 
8Q7 on 40m 22z:day1 
ZD7 on 10m
5H3EE on 15 16z:day2.

Really got my act together by using telnet and N1MM band map versus spots shown
on RHR waterfall. Had N1MM band map window next to RHR waterfall window which
was a winner. Got used to clicking on band map (or waterfall) versus tuning. You
can see the strong stations really good on waterfall! 

I call this the "Contesting by Waterfall" contest, hah! The RHR
waterfall was precise (10hz?) which can cause you to be off freq to the station
you're calling. A slight difference between telnet and spots displayed on
waterfall...ended up using mouse to correct by slightly shifting freq when
needed. The best part of the waterfall is the ability to tune a station in when
they aren't transmitting (they recently transmitted). Waterfall was very helpful
because packet spots overlaid on waterfall.    
Saturday mid-day (16Z:day 1) RHR or N1MM locked up but a restart fixed whatever
was wrong. That was the extent of any computer issues until 20z:day2. Lost about
1.5 hours (20-2130z). I will say that Lee WW2DX at RHR provides EXCELLENT and
PROMPT support! Kudos to Lee for his support. Not sure what caused the second
problem but maybe local network and/or Verizon doing some kind of limiting?
Switched to ethernet (cable connection to router) which seemed a tad quicker on
the uptake when calling a station (was using WiFi for most of contest). Once
things resolved around 2130-22Z the bands never were the same. For me, the bands
stunk from 22Z until the end. Signals were weak or non-existent. SMCers in
Midwest said that was not the case back there. Not sure if it's because of more
northerly location and/or earlier solar flare (or something connection wise)?   

Seemed like 27 wpm was a good speed for stations to get my call. When I sent at
29 or 31 sometimes it wasn't received correctly.   

Overall was a good learning experience. Look forward to the next contest! 

Eric K9GY/4

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