[3830] CaQP N6O(@N6RO) M/MFixed HP
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Sun Oct 4 22:31:44 EDT 2020
California QSO Party - 2020
Call: N6O
Station: N6RO
Class: M/MFixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Radios: SO2R
Remote Operation
Band CW Qs Ph Qs
160: 111 29
80: 273 176
40: 499 704
20: 694 1510
15: 201 138
10: 11 5
Total: 1789 2562 Mults = 58 Total Score = 608,478
Club: Northern California Contest Club
This year's effort turned out better than expected, as we had fewer band
stations than usual, due to COVID, therefore 75% remote operation. 10% higher
score than last year. Coordination/passing Qs was done on SLACK, instead of
passing yellow notes around the shack, as in the 'old daze'.
Follows some detail and input from the team.
10/15m CW and SSB: SO2R remote by N6WM. "Mostly anemic but still solid prop
to eastern seaboard on Sat requiring discipline to get to 150 q’s both modes,
Sunday produced a better opening with higher rate and Midwest for a couple hours
more than doubling the tally. 10 m was NCCC qso party". Chris drove the
Flex 6600m/PGXL and the 6/6/6 yagi stack.
20m: On SSB, K3EST kept his BIC for a two day, 21 hour marathon. Only bio
breaks and chili dinner while operating. Bob's monster total of 1510 Qs is
close to his previous highs in CQP. His rig was K3/Alpha 86 and 5/5/5 yagi
stack. Another senior, long-time team member, K6AW, did the CW chores on
Saturday and part of Sunday. NA6O took the early Sunday shift, and these guys
totaled a new CW station record 694 Qs, remoting into a K3/AL1200 station
connected to a C3 on the 15m tower. Steve was plagued by power-line noise as
the day heated up to 95 degrees. At least we had Blue Skies smiling on us for
the first time after a month of smoke. (All fires were more than 70 miles away
from Oakley)
40m: A remarkable team of experienced ops, and a new recruit. WA6O piloted the
K3/AL-1200/2L vertical array, to a new CW record. Also remoting on SSB was WX5S,
grabbing a new record total, using a K3/ACOM 2000 and 4/4 yagi stack. Both Mike
and Matt operated all night, 17-19 hours non-stop. New to ham radio and
contesting, we welcomed KN6IOB to operate 40m SSB in the daylight hours,
remoting into a 6600m, with no amplifier (we thot we had enough amps). David
did a great job, learned alot, and helped the 40m Q total to a new high. He put
his 9 year-old son on the mic for a couple of CQs!- We recruit new operators all
the time, to keep the chairs filled for M/M contesting (in better days to come).
N6WM set David up to remote in, and WX5S did some coaching on Sunday.
80m: WD6T remoted into the FLEX/PGXL station, driving either a 4SQ or 2L Quad.
Dave bested last year's score by two stations on 80m doing dual mode SO2R- CW
and SSB on two slices in the radio. He was hampered by having to move around and
adjust power to keep his CW harmonic out of the 40m CW station. He and Mike
communicated well to keep both stations rolling. Dave reports good prop and
quiet condx on 80. He used a SAL-30 for RX.
160m: Ah yes, who else, the elder statesman and station host, N6RO. I managed
many more Qs this year than last, as prop was better, and band fairly quiet. But
there was severe QSB, even on local stations. Topband is coming into it's
season. Rig was a K3/Alpha76/4SQ combo. I was continually wheeling the antenna
around four directions, using a special controller box designed and built by
NA6O. That antenna is too directional sometimes!
Overall, an enjoyable weekend, with good cooperation/communication among all
team members. We're looking fwd to a good night's sleep!
Special thanks to NA6O for two days of setting up the station in an unusual
cabling arrangement, and activating a fourth remote station. Gary, N6WM and Bill
W9KKN helped get the remoters going before and during the contest- tnx guys.
Next up - CW SS, my 65th. CU then. 73, N6RO
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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