[3830] CaQP N6AN SOCntyExp QRP

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Mon Oct 5 03:02:41 EDT 2020

                    California QSO Party - 2020

Call: N6AN
Operator(s): N6AN
Station: N6AN

Class: SOCntyExp QRP
QTH: Inyo
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:   76      
   40:  113      
   20:  117     9
   15:    3      
Total:  309     9  Mults = 49  Total Score = 46,305

Club: Southern California Contest Club


My thanks to Kurt, W6PH, for the use of his Inyo county cabin grounds for my
last minute Covid-19 physical distancing county expedition. Operating with Mt.
Whitney in view was a wonderful bonus!
The station was a KX3 @5 watts powered by a 27T AGM battery which used to live
in a TV ENG truck. 80' of wire was stretched between a 30' Spiderbeam pole and a
20' fishing pole for 80 meters. For 40, 20 and 15 meters a 59' wire was
supported by two 20' fishing poles.
Both antennas were end fed via a double banana to BNC connector and tuned with
the KX3 tuner.
I set up on an outdoor table with a beach umbrella for shade. It was in the 90s
and windy both days, low 60s Saturday night.
Mults never heard were KY, IA, ND, MR, AB, NT. A VE2 answered somebody's CQ, a
VA7 was in a rag chew and W1XX was CQing on 20 SSB Sunday afternoon, but
couldn't hear me. Working the single letter CA stations for the SEQUOIA award
was accomplished on 80. 40 was too long Saturday night and I was inaudible to CA
stations on 20 and 15.
It was fun to activate Inyo county on CW. Except for CQs all sending was done
with the bolt-on KXPD3 paddle. Logging was with pen and paper, transcription
Thanks to the NCCC organizers for pulling off the CQP in this most unusual of
years, and thanks for the QSOs.

David N6AN

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