[3830] PaQP K8MR Multi-Op Mobile LP

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Mon Oct 12 16:56:20 EDT 2020

                    Pennsylvania QSO Party - 2020

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR AF8A
Station: K8MR

Class: Multi-Op Mobile LP
QTH: 25 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 15.5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:   537     2       
   40:   317     3       
   20:   154     6       
Total:  1018    11      0  Mults = 92  Total Score = 203,038

Club: North Coast Contesters


A very interesting, and nice, trip through Pennsylvania.

QSOs per county, in order of first appearance:

CRA  71
VEN  29
WAR  34
FOR  14
CLA  15
JEF  57
CLE  60
ELK  24
CRN  42
CEN  58
CLI  73
UNI  35
NUM  52
SNY  34
JUN  32
PER  35
MIF  39
HUN  33
BLA  41
CMB  27
INN  46
ARM  21
BUT  47
LAW  53
MER  48

We got to our starting point in Crawford, and when I hit the key no RF came out
of the K3. Found that it would make RF on SSB, and make RF sending CW in SSB
mode. After a few minutes beating the radio, etc., we decided to swap it out for
the backup IC-746. I did not bring a C-IV interface for that, so all the band
changes had to be made manually. I spent a good bit of time after the contest
cleaning up the log for all the ones we missed in real time. I briefly fired up
the K3 after we got home and it's now making RF.   ?????

Once we got going, 40 meters was in great shape. I was working lots of people
around PA and had a great rate. But unfortunately after 90 minutes or so 40 went
back to its usual self of nothing within 400 miles or so, and it was still too
early for 80 to be worth much. Hence some low rates in places like Forest and
Clarion counties.

One Saturday highlight: driving through Cochranton in CRA, CQing away as we
drove down the main street through town, we heard a very loud alarm go off in
one of the buildings. Not sure which one, but we did not stop to find out and
offer to loan them some Mix 31 ferrite snap-ons.

We stayed overnight in INN and Sunday rode the Ghost Town Trail, along with
K3LA, W3NO, and two friends of W3NO. It's a beautiful trail, and with the fall
leaves changing colors it was a great bike ride. Due to forecasts of rain later
in the day, we cut the ride to 40 miles, but we never did get wet or have any
especially threatening skies.

Checking emails on Sunday we saw that LAW was still missing in action. It is
right on our route back to Cleveland, so we made a special point to spend some
extra time there, parked at a rest area on I-79. I saw that another guy in LAW
had finally shown up on 75 SSB shortly before we got there, so I did not have to
face the challenge of people hearing me with a super puny SSB signal.

I'm of the opinion that PAQP is not the most mobile friendly contest, but
nevertheless the combo radio/bike effort made for a very enjoyable weekend.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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