[3830] JARTS W4RN Single Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Oct 18 20:41:15 EDT 2020

                    JARTS WW RTTY Contest - 2020

Call: W4RN
Operator(s): AA5AU W3UL W4RN
Station: W4RN

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 27.5
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   90    28
   40:  376    75
   20:  590    88
   15:  145    47
   10:    1     1
Total: 1202   239  Total Score = 775,794



This is a great contest.  Too many US Ops think you have to work a bunch of JAs
to place.  That, of course is wrong.  

Another W4RN Remote operations with Remote Dudes:

AA5AU from Don Metarie, LA and W3UL Bill from Annapolis, MD

W4RN held down the shack.

Sadly, few JA stations and relatively few others participated in the on-line
scoreboards.  Watching the competition is a great motivator.

Big Congrats to the K6WM crowd.  Their M/M operation was first rate.

Don snagged a loud BV2 signal but not a single BY station was heard. OTH from
China was crapping things up.  It is as irresponsible as other Sino-plagues.   

Thanks to JARTS for sponsoring this, one of the best contests for RTTYers.

Also, thanks to participants for all the Qs and Mults.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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