[3830] IlQP OM2VL(@OM8A) Fixed HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Oct 19 15:29:28 EDT 2020

                    Illinois QSO Party - 2020

Call: OM2VL
Operator(s): OM2VL
Station: OM8A

Class: Fixed HP
QTH: Okoc
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:      1         
   80:      4        1
   40:    100       23
   20:     77        6
Total:    182       30  Mults = 84  Total Score = 33,096

Club: Slovak Contest Group


[log removed from comments]

Thank you very much to all mobile that was QRV at the beginning also on 20m!
I was so busy with mobiles + resident stations on CW so I can't run SSB on this
band. Signals was mostly strong, but many time I can't break the USA wall and
sometimes I can't made QSO even nobody called him.
   Band was open fortunately long - my last QSO with KJ9C at 21:12Z. On SSB at
19:42Z I called very strong KD0NEO but unfortunately he don't hrd me.

 On 40m the situation was same as on 20m - so many stations on CW and nice
pileup also on SSB! The activity was very good!

   I heard but don't worked with 6 other counties ....

   Unfortunately my last not confirmed county from IL - Hardin - not in my  LOG
:( I worked with KM9O from Hardin in 2014/2016/2017/2018 and sent several
directs, but still no QSL. Is any station in IL who can help me with this QSL?

   Some statistics: 

- I never worked before in ILQP over 200 QSO, never worked 84 multipliers!
  Thanks to everybody who make it possible!

- Most QSOs with:
AD4EB/M 23/21
K0PC/M 16/14
N9C/M 12/10
K9WX/M 12/8
KJ9C/M 11/6
N9JF/M 7/6. 

K9IR/P 8/4
W9AUI/P 8/4
K9BGL/P 6/3.

3 QSO: K9CT, K9NR, K9ZA/9, KF9D, KG9N, W9ZV.

  Thank you very much for the nice QSO Party!!!
It was the last QP in State QSO Party Challenge. So pity that only 1 category
all together even In State or Out of State or so far DX ....

 73, Laci OM2VL

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