[3830] CQWW SSB N8SBE SOAB Classic LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Oct 25 20:56:20 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: N8SBE
Operator(s): N8SBE
Station: N8SBE

Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: Classic 
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   20:   90    14       32
   15:   40    13       23
   10:    2     2        2
Total:  132    29       57  Total Score = 31,218

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Stuck to the high bands, since my low dipole is no good for DX.  15 was open a
lot, and I caught one opening on 10.  Maybe cycle 25 is coming on (one can only

My trusty quad needs some TLC, though.  I was plagued with intermittent
connections depending on which direction it faced, and how windy it was.  I need
to work on it, but I need a bucket truck or at least a gin pole to get it down,
since the tower is not hinged or crank-up.  When the quad was working, it works
quite well, and my barefoot station can hold out with the big guns in search 'n
pounce.  When it isn't, it's pretty frustrating.  Gotta' get it fixed.

Thanks to all the guys out there that put up with my intermittent signal,
especially when my K3s would dump the output power to a few watts in reaction to
a "HI SWR" and then take several minutes to recover.  There's got to
be way to force the K3s to go back to full power more quickly.

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