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Mon Oct 26 09:56:51 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: EA8RM
Operator(s): EA8RM
Station: EA8RM

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  161    10       39
   80:  493    14       48
   40: 1497    24       75
   20: 2260    28       94
   15: 2770    28       94
   10: 1381    18       68
Total: 8562   122      418  Total Score = 13,813,740

Club: EA Contest Club


Hi ! 

10 days before the contest i started with preparations(Set up the shack,Repair
antennas,rebuilt beverages..).

The Saturday before the contest with the help of EA4BQ, EA8KR, EA8DHC we
installed the 40m wire beam to NA, repaired the broken elements on 15 and 20m
antennas, and re-tunning 80GP and 160GP. On Tuesday, Barbra storm destroyed 160m
GP, and seriously damaged 40m NA beam. After the storm I fixed 40m NA, installed
160m dipole and rebuilt 2 beverages and 1 BOG. While checking the beverages one
of the FTDX101D had an unexpected breakdown and never turned on again  :((  
So I had to replace it with an FT5000.

On Friday afternoon before sunset, when arriving at the station I saw that the
40m EU antenna had lost the reflector and the 3rd director. Checking all the
antennas again, I found that the 8x10m to EU had also broken after checking
everything and it was impossible to repair it due to the lack of light , luckily
I had 6x10m backup. With these last minute problems, I could no longer rest
before the contest and that would be a big problem for the whole weekend. 

When the contest started I had already been awake for 18 hours, and starting out
tired is not a good deal, after running 6 hours I had to stop for 1 hour for a
nap. On Saturday 10 and 15m reminded me of the old days with from 280 to 300q
every hour. 

The second night I paid dearly for not having adequate rest before the contest.
I realized that I was having troubles to copy callsigns so I took a break for
1h.  I started again at 00Z, but 2 hours later I felt again in the same
situation. As the rates were slow, I decided to rest more and be able to be well
all Sunday, so I slept for 3h40m, and at this point I realized that it would be
impossible to win even being above the target, so I just had to enjoy the
pileups until the end.

8562 thanks to EA4BQ, EA8KR and EA8DHO for the help with antennas, it would have
been impossible without them, you are amazing guys. 

Many thanks to all competitors for QSO.

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