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Mon Oct 26 12:17:18 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: CR6K
Operator(s): CT1CJJ
Station: CR6K

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 45

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  122     8       29
   80:  751    17       62
   40: 1270    23       69
   20: 2139    28       86
   15: 2255    28      100
   10:  592    12       33
Total: 7129   116      379  Total Score = 7,941,285

Club: EA Contest Club



1st day in the night good opening on low bands specially 40m and in the
afternoon 10 & 15 to NA with good runs I was able to enjoy pileups again.
2nd day every body concentrated on 20 meter hard to find a free frequency but
nice opening till 21UTC. 15 and 10 not like the first day. Dedicate this contest
to my family specially thanks to my wife and Filipe, CT1ILT and all the members
of CR6K team that couldn't make it this year for the well known Pandemic
reasons. Special thanks for all hams giving me the report, without them I
couldn't achieve this result. See you in the next Ham Radio Marathons, yes
because these Contests are very physical and intellectual.

73's José 
CT1CJJ, CR6K team

|   EU   |   NA   |   SA   |   AS   |   AF   |   OC   |
|  37.3% |  56.4% |   3.1% |   2.1% |   0.8% |   0.3% |

Created by * DXLog.net version 2.5.0 by 9A5K *

Period, min.	QSOs	QSOs per	QSOs per	From		To	
		minute	hour	Time	QSO #	Time	QSO #
10	         54	5.4	324	24/10/2020 12:02	1810	24/10/2020 12:12	1863
20	        102	5.1	306	24/10/2020 12:01	1806	24/10/2020 12:20	1907
30	        144	4.8	288	24/10/2020 18:42	3467	24/10/2020 19:12	3610
60	        276	4.6	276	24/10/2020 18:19	3363	24/10/2020 19:19	3638
120	        528	4.4	264	24/10/2020 12:05	1823	24/10/2020 14:05	2350

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