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Mon Oct 26 16:00:43 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: W7RM
Operator(s): K2PO
Station: K2PO

Class: SO(A)AB HP
QTH: Oregon
Operating Time (hrs): 32:30
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   17     5        5
   80:   61    11       11
   40:  184    24       35
   20:  590    27       65
   15:  321    25       43
   10:   64     8        7
Total: 1237   100      166  Total Score = 771,400

Club: Willamette Valley DX Club


I’d been accustomed to having a second K3 around the shack, but it traveled
with KU1CW to Hawaii this weekend, so I dusted-off my Kenwood TS-850 as a second
rig.  The Kenwood wasn't in top shape when I put it in mothballs, and those
issues re-surfaced this weekend.  (A "previously loved" Flex 6500 is
due to arrive this week; we'll see if it's online by CQWW CW.)

Part of prime time Saturday morning was spent hosting two newly-licensed
technician licensees who had been curious about the station.  I gave them an
introduction to the gear and the N1MM software, and - with some fits and starts
- they made their first HF DX contacts (actually their first HF QSOs of any

Conditions were great on the high bands.  I started the contest on 15m by
working 117 stations across the Pacific in the first hour, and the second hour
was nearly as good.  I later caught an unexpected, brief 15m opening to Europe
Sunday afternoon, increasing my mult count by six.

The low bands were a bust here in the Northwest.  That helped my sleep score :)

CQWW seemed like ARRL SS at times, with long runs of US stations.  (226 of my
QSOs were zero-pointers.)  I guess that's a consequence of Covid - lots of
people who are not normally on the radio have extra time, turned on the radio,
and found the bands alive with stations calling CQ... 

Thanks to all for the excitement,

Bill, K2PO
Portland, Oregon

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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