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Mon Oct 26 18:54:52 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: PC3T
Operator(s): PC3T
Station: PC3T

Class: SO(A)AB LP
QTH: Limburg
Operating Time (hrs): 45:27
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  129     5       34
   80:  358    15       61
   40:  356    18       77
   20:  334    28       87
   15:  539    23       80
   10:  142     8       41
Total: 1858    97      380  Total Score = 1,405,242

Club: Rio DX Group


For a long time I do not stay awake for so long... I just took a power nap of
less than an hour. Conditions were pretty crazy, opening to everywhere at same
time on high bands, I've got lost, no space to call a CQ anywhere when calling,
no answers on 90% of the time, when I've found some space, a big gun took it
over after 5min, really hard to filter all noise out (splattering all over the
bands), keep turning antenna was a problem as it was a bit windy for my
installations type. 15m was very impressive on 2nd day, it lasted the whole
afternoon long, 10m was not that good (maybe I still have the PY way of
working's mindset) :)
Only one single pileup on 15m, I had a blast! Something that I missed.
At least here in EU, low bands can give you some fun and it is possible to run
sometimes. The result was lower than last year, antenna still low (@9m),
spiderbeam last year it was @12m and the new inverted L for 80m did a pretty
good job, the BoG was not the best receiving antenna during this contest.
Last year I slept and got better results than this year, so another
"lessons learned". hihihi
Big challenge run 2 radios, I'm still bad on that, I think I'm getting old for
new stuff, and my antenna still low and the radio interactions does not allows
me to run and listen some bands at same time.

My call sign on SSB is another problem, I've got too many "PC2T", I
will look for another call sign just for SSB contests, a special call or so,
need to see how that works here in Netherlands.

But the most important thing, I had fun..

See you on CW part next month.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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