[3830] CQWW SSB N8II SOSB15 Classic LP

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Thu Oct 29 15:27:09 EDT 2020

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II

Class: SOSB15 LP
Class Overlay: Classic 
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   15:  489    24       85
   10:   36     8       12
Total:  489    24       85  Total Score = 152,927

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


It was a pleasant surprise to find 15 open at the start, expected only noise,
got loud SA, and also CM (on sporadic E, also loud W4's),KH6 x 3, ZL, and VK4.
Conditions to EU were better before the contest especially in north EU. The
solar disturbance effects were quite noticeable Saturday as SP was as far to NE
EU that I could work, not even OZ was logged. I was only able to run about 25-30
EU stations due to band congestion Saturday which became even worse Sunday.
Conditions to SA were mediocre, but plenty of CE/LU/PY activity. I was off for
an hour to mulch leaves fearful they might be out of control before my next
opportunity. The band closed at a pretty normal time about an hour after sunset
with two XE's being the last Q's. I did check 10M and worked 4 Italians around
1325Z when there was also sporadic E into VO1.

Sunday, conditions did improve into north EU, but all contest I only worked 3-4
zone 16 stations with with UB7K being only Russian heard. I was unable to work
two from Estonia, did work OZ,LY,EW,SM,OH0,LN8W, and OH (20Z via auroral Es).
There were many loud signals but almost none were loud north of DL/OM/SP. On a
maintain my sanity break from the QRM, I worked PI4DX (S8), F6ARC + 2 F's, DL5L,
and OE2S on 10M 1521-29Z. I did pretty well into the  Middle East logging
4X,A4,A6,A7, and 7Z. Other stations heard but unable to hear ne were OD5, 9G2,
CP5, and PZ5. It was a real struggle to break the ZD7BG pile up Sunday
afternoon. The only seemingly reachable zones I missed were 2, 34, 35, and 40.
There seemed to be no prop north of KH6 and VE7. SW EU persisted Sunday until
about 1740CZ, but USA big guns were working many stations that were either in
the noise or very weak from 16Z onward.

This was not a whole lot of fun, too much struggle to break pile ups and too
crowded to run. Conditions remained disturbed the whole weekend which caused the
band opening hours to increase a bit (both days EU before 12Z), but quality of
opening and strength of many signals were decreased. I tried to run SA with
almost no luck until late Sunday. Thanks for the QSO's and to those who
struggled to hear me. Today, Thursday, there was a major hours long 10M opening
with SFI up to 88! We were 5 days too early for the WW.

73, Jeff

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