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Mon Apr 19 01:57:28 EDT 2021

                    Ontario QSO Party - 2021

Call: VE3ODX
Operator(s): VE3NNT
Station: VE3ODX

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: FN14cm
Operating Time (hrs): 15:30
Remote Operation

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:   71            45
   80:  185            73
   40:  253            73
   20:  254            82
   15:    4             4
   10:    3             3
Total:  770     0     280  Total Score = 453,040

Club: Contest Club Ontario


Well, that was better than last year's experience when I nearly lost one of my
Yagis and had to stop in the middle of the contest. Still, conditions were
rather poor if you ask me. I must say that I was impressed with one European
station that just blasted through on all bands, OM2VL operating at OM8A I
assume. I even worked him on 160m with my wet noodle antenna, the only European
station that was above my noise floor.

For the most part, I didn't try to run Europeans that were clearly in the CQMM
contest, except for a short while Sunday morning on 20m when they kept calling
me after I would send 'CQ ONQP VE3ODX'. N1MM wasn't happy if I tried to enter
'DX' or 'EU' as an exchange, so I'm not sure what to do about that. It only
accepted the country abbreviation. I would have had many more QSOs if I had
seriously run Europeans during the 20m, 40m and 80m openings since things were
rather slow otherwise.

There were a few Ontario counties that I just couldn't hear on 20m and 40m, like
DUR. I guess I'm too far for ground path and too close for skip. Pretty much, my
contacts on 15m and 10m were from asking nearby stations to QSY. Let's hope for
better conditions ahead.

My internet held up reasonably this year, and thank goodness no power failures.
There were the usual garbled characters that required repeats, but at least I
didn't lose connection to the radio. I should open the cottage earlier next year
to be able to operate from the station directly.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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