[3830] ARRLDX CW P44W(W2GD) SO Unlimited HP

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Tue Feb 23 11:06:06 EST 2021

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2021

Call: P44W
Operator(s): W2GD
Station: P40L/P49Y

Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: Aruba
Operating Time (hrs): 39

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  419    50
   80:  870    59
   40: 1328    60
   20: 1644    60
   15: 1753    58
   10:  739    49
Total: 6753   336  Total Score = 6,798,960

Club: Frankford Radio Club


Station - I first thank John P40L/W6LD and Andy P49Y/AE6Y for giving me an
opportunity to pilot their wonderfully rebuilt station this week.  I hope the
world situation improves over the month's ahead so they'll again be able to
enjoy this gem on Aruba.

Note:  All of the P40L/P49Y towers are on a small 100 x 100 foot lot:
Rohn 45 tower (66’):  Single boom 2-element shortened 40m interlaced with
4-element 20m (68’) (JK2040, long-boom version); 80m Inverted-V (65’); 160m
Double-L center-fed vertical dipole (65’)
North Rohn 25 tower (56’):  Single boom 5-element 15 interlaced with 6-element
10 (58’) (JK1015 configured for dual feed)
South Rohn 25 tower (45.5’):  Tri -bander (JK Mid-tri) - Backup not used.
Beverages:  4 controlled by K9AY switchbox: West-US (800’), East US (500’),
EU (800’)and East-West (AF and OC) (350’)
Rig:  Elecraft K3/P3 + Alpha 91B  900 to 1000 watts
Logging software:  Win-test 4.28


This has been a most enjoyable week. I had the pleasure of piloting a well
engineered station that was fully renovated just one year ago - all new towers
and antennas. After years of struggling to make things work on most of my visits
this was really a treat. It released me from enduring the typical two days of
physical exertion that it takes to make my own station functional. The absence
of the subsequent fatigue played a role in how this one played out. 

Arrived a week before the contest.  Had to call in a favor from my oncologist to
get the required Covid19 PCR test done within 72 hours of departure for Aruba. 
Left for Newark Airport with 18 inches of snow still on the ground and a minor
ice storm in progress.  Fortunately the weather took a turn for the better just
hours before takeoff and the trip down went smoothly. I felt very safe on a
flight where every passenger had just tested negative for the virus ... probably
a better place to be than the weekly trip to the local food store.

Initial station setup and testing went as hoped.  All of the antennas looked
visually great on their rust free towers and the SWR curves looked perfect.  The
only antenna that didn't sound quite right was the NW beverage. On Thursday I
did battle out in the cactus patch - ultimately discovering the NW beverage wire
was on the ground in two places, covered by some nasty needled brush and bushes.
 After two hours of work with a branch trimmer the wire was in the air and
normal operation was restored. The NW and North beverage antennas were
exclusively used for receiving on 160/80/40 the entire contest. All of the
beverages are located ~500 feet or more from the power grid so they are very
quiet and directional - one of the special features that make this station so
effective. If you can't hear them you can't work them.

Conditions leading up to the contest weekend were nothing special since there
were no sunspots, and the prediction of a solar wind event loomed large.
Unfortunately that prediction was accurate and things started downhill just as
the contest started. Sigh.

My free time offered an opportunity to do a few maintenance projects at the real
P40W.  Repairing a broken beverage and then scraping and painting one of the two
towers filled some of those hours but it was on a very relaxed basis.  Getting
ahead of things is a luxury down here ... the salt and wind never stop doing
nasty things to steel and copper.  

K2LE and W1VE had to cancel their plans to do a LP M/S at P49V.  This left me as
the sole P4 operation as happened during CQWW CW.  Figuring out a set of goals
ended up being a blend of the 2020 P44W ARRL CW operation and factoring in the
rates seen during last fall's CQWW CW when there were no other stations active.
I thought a stretch goal would be about 6500 contacts (compared to the 5000
logged last year) - was very happy to be proven wrong.

My rate sheet is at the bottom of this report.  The first hour was really
amazing (I'd almost decided to start on 20 but fortunately reconsidered). 
Twelve hours over 200 and another 12 between 150 and 200 kept me hopping all
weekend.  Conditions on 40, 80 and 160 were exceptional with no QRN. But there
was a touch of absorption creeping in on 160 as the hours passed ... signals
sounded 'dull'.

About two hours after local sunrise Saturday, 15m went almost completely dead. 
Some form of solar event had occurred, I could hear the sun literally 'talking'
to me.  I've experienced this many times down here and just hoped it would not
last too long (it didn't - 15 minutes). Ran off nearly 1000 contacts over the
next four hours.  That's what I call a run.

At 1800 I saw blips on the P3 scope revealed life on ten meters.  The highest
rate of the weekend would be enjoyed over the next 2.5 hours as 571 contacts
were logged, with the rate peaking out at 273 an hour.  No meters like ten
meters came true once again.  It was a somewhat unusual opening since it started
favoring the west coast and then worked itself east (normally it's the other way

Before the contest started I aimed the station's monobanders at 317 degrees,
which slightly favored the central and western USA.  Never touched the rotor
controllers again the rest of the way. With the Yagi tips now pointing toward
EU, there was a deep null which prevented hearing much from EU over the entire
weekend - sort of like having tunnel vision toward the States and Canada.  JK
antennas rock!

Twenty meters Saturday afternoon sounded completely normal down here although I
could see the WWV numbers said conditions were still on the way down. High 200+
rates were enjoyed for several hours before the big fad out around 0100.

Cycled through the lower bands for the next six hours till bed time - trying to
be on 160 at the top of each hour per tradition.  Rates were about 20% better
than normal overall.

At the end of January, 2021 the US governement implemented Covid testing rules
that require a negative test within 72 hours of boarding any return flight to
the States.  Earlier in the week I was fortunate to schedule my test for Sunday
morning at 1215 UTC.  This is normally a slow time from past experience so
losing an hour seemed a small problem.  The entire drive through testing process
at the island's hospital was very efficient - I lost just one hour door to door.
 By the end of the contest a negative test result needed for my planned Tuesday
departure was in my in-box.  

Conditions were noticeably subdued as Sunday progressed.  Ten meters opened for
about one hour again at 1800 but it wasn't as deep an opening as the previous
afternoon.  But overall it was great fun putting over 700 ten meter contacts in
the log ... something not experienced for many years.

Finished out the contest moving from 15 to 20 to 40 and eventually on to 160
during the final five minutes.  The hoped for sked with a DC station didn't
quite work out but I made three other competitors very happy with a new
multiplier in the last few minutes on Topband.

During the weekend, over 80% of all contacts were made sending by hand.  I just
enjoy it.

A huge THANK YOU to the 179 operators who worked P44W on SIX BANDS and another
205 of you that made it into the log on FIVE BANKS.  I had as much fun working
you as you did chasing me down.  BRAVO!

I also want to thank those of you who were willing to move to another band with
for a new multiplier - it was greatly appreciated! 

Congrats to Dan, N6MJ, for his masterful remote operation of ZF1A and the well
earned new Single Op Unassisted World Record.  Great effort OM!

Hoping to return once again to this One Happy Island for the WPX CW in May.  


John, W2GD aka P44W P40W


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0    246      0      0      0    246    246    3.6
0100       0      0    235      0      0      0    235    481    7.1
0200      42    177      3      0      0      0    222    703   10.4
0300      98     71      4      0      0      0    173    876   13.0
0400      19     35    151      0      0      0    205   1081   16.0
0500      55    122      0      0      0      0    177   1258   18.6
0600      25     35     33      0      0      0     93   1351   20.0
0700      27     24     20      0      0      0     71   1422   21.1
0800       0      1      0      0      0      0      1   1423   21.1
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1423   21.1 
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1423   21.1
1100       0      1     83      0      0      0     84   1507   22.3
1200       0      0     38    166      0      0    204   1711   25.3
1300       0      0      0    179     17      0    196   1907   28.2
1400       0      0      0      0    190      0    190   2097   31.1
1500       0      0      0      0    231      0    231   2328   34.5
1600       0      0      0      0    236      0    236   2564   38.0
1700       0      0      0      0    234      0    234   2798   41.4
1800       0      0      0      0      5    207    212   3010   44.6
1900       0      0      0      2      0    219    221   3231   47.8
2000       0      0      0     61      0    145    206   3437   50.9
2100       0      0      0    237      0      0    237   3674   54.4
2200       0      0      0    186      0      0    186   3860   57.2
2300       0      1      1    191      0      0    193   4053   60.0
0000       0      0      0    139      0      0    139   4192   62.1
0100       0      0    147      0      0      0    147   4339   64.3
0200      13     85     40      0      0      0    138   4477   66.3
0300       3    159      0      0      0      0    162   4639   68.7
0400      67     42     31      0      0      0    140   4779   70.8
0500       3      0    136      0      0      0    139   4918   72.8
0600      39     38      3      0      0      0     80   4998   74.0
0700      18      4      0      0      0      0     22   5020   74.3
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5020   74.3
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5020   74.3
1000       7     56      0      0      0      0     63   5083   75.3
1100       0     19     74      1      0      0     94   5177   76.7
1200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5177   76.7
1300       0      0     31      0     53      0     84   5261   77.9
1400       0      0      0     45     83      0    128   5389   79.8
1500       0      0      0    114     58      0    172   5561   82.3
1600       0      0      0      0    130     11    141   5702   84.4
1700       0      0      0      0    146      7    153   5855   86.7
1800       0      0      0      0      2    147    149   6004   88.9
1900       0      0      0      0    169      3    172   6176   91.5
2000       0      0      0      0    121      0    121   6297   93.2
2100       0      0      0     93     78      0    171   6468   95.8
2200       0      0      0    177      0      0    177   6645   98.4
2300       3      0     52     53      0      0    108   6753  100.0
Total    419    870   1328   1644   1753    739   6753
The best 60 minute rate was 273/hour from 1820 to 1919
The best 30 minute rate was 280/hour from 1854 to 1923
The best 10 minute rate was 306/hour from 1358 to 1407

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    1351
2 bands     552
3 bands     385
4 bands     261
5 bands     205
6 bands     179

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

K3SW        N4RV        WX4G        N2HMM       K0ZR        N8AA        
K1TTT       N9GB        N2AA        K2AX        K1GQ        K5NA        
N3NR        K8MFO       K4XL        K3WJV       K9NW        NJ3K        
NE3F        K5TIA       K3PH        W3MF        VE3RZ       W3LL        
N2NL        W1GD        W1AN        W1FJ        WX1S        NX3A        
WE9V        N4PD        N1DG        W3KB        K8CX        VE3IC       
W1TC        N4WW        WT9U        K1RX        AA3B        AD4EB       
W4IZT       K1AR        NW3Y        W1NT        WW3S        W3IP        
AB3CV       K3MD        K9IMM       WC0W        VA3DF       N9CO        
K1IR        N4ZZ        KB1W        WD6T        K3IE        KF2O        
KU2C        N7TY        K3TS        W9VW        KE0L        K4RUM       
K9OM        N4YDU       K5EK        W2FU        K3OO        K4RO        
KB1EFS      W3LPL       K5GN        WO1N        K9MMS       N2BA        
KR4F        N2RC        K3AJ        K9CT        W3FV        VE3EJ       
N2WK        W3FIZ       N3RS        N0AV        W6YI        N4RA        
W2OIB       WO2T        K3ZU        W8FJ        NT5V        NF3R        
W8MJ        K3JO        N9RV        N4QS        AA5JF       NS3T        
NJ3I        NN7CW       AB3AH       K3WW        N4TZ        N3QE        
N2LBR       AB2E        VE3DZ       K2QMF       K3TEJ       K9RS        
K4ZW        VA2WA       K0RF        N6AR        WA2CP       K4AB        
N3AD        W4NF        N6JV        WQ5L        N8VW        AA9A        
W1QK        K5ZD        VE3JM       N3RD        K3ZO        WB8JUI      
N4OX        K0EJ        K1DG        KI1G        N1RR        N2SR        
KA1IS       N1UR        N2NT        N7DX        W6YX        W9XT        
N4AF        KZ5D        N3MK        K0TT        N0AX        WY3A        
K5LY        W9RE        K3RL        W2IRT       K9MA        K1KI        
K3EL        NY3A        W0YK        N2CG        K8GL        AA1K        
KY7M        N4SS        NX6T        K9PG        K9UIY       XL3A        
W3UL        K1TR        KT9L        N5OT        K5UR        K1RU        
KU1CW       K4UEE       K5PI        KA9FOX      W5AJ

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