[3830] NAQP CW K3EW Single Op LP

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Sun Jan 10 00:21:11 EST 2021

                    North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: K3EW
Operator(s): K3EW
Station: K3EW

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9:53

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  234    42
   40:  138    46
   20:  114    33
   15:   18     6
   10:    8     2
Total:  512   129  Total Score = 66,048

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club

Team: PVRC Northwest


First contest using new win key Mini , keyboard and basically using the function
keys and the ESM mode .  I still wanted to go unassisted.  Sorry for the
mess-ups when I forgot to switch back to S&P mode sometimes which caused
some funny emanations from this station.. 

With my studying of the N1MM+ Manual over the past few weeks, setting up the
wini mini, and getting my new computer and 22 inch monitor set, and rfi'd proof
( mostly)  did not have time to properly set up the Telnet.  I should have my
self up and running by the time the ARRL DX contests roll around.

A big thank you to Pete N4ZR who patiently worked with me as I got myself
automated for CW contesting. Thank you for all of the PVRC contacts.   We did
have a big showing for this contest.

I do have to say ESM method does beat how I was doing it before with canned
messages in my 590 memories.  Still had a lot of paddling to do. This is much
less tiring indeed.

To everyone Stay Safe Avoid crowds , wear the damn mask and social distance.

73  Phil K3EW

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