[3830] NAQP CW K0EU Single Op LP

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Sun Jan 10 14:15:53 EST 2021

                    North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: K0EU
Operator(s): K0EU
Station: K0EU

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   82    30
   80:  237    51
   40:  550    56
   20:  464    51
   15:   44    19
   10:    1     1
Total: 1378   208  Total Score = 286,624

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado

Team: GM Downhill ski-racers


Got off to a slow start, due to being on the wrong 20M antenna. Senior moments,
don't you just love them. After few callers in the first five minutes, I noticed
the mistake. At least I was making Q's on 15M. Rates in the first few hours this
year weren't anything like last year. 15M wasn't open well enough to do the
2BISQ thing for very long. Made up for it later on 20/40 and 40/80 and was only
4 Q's short of last year by the end. Mults were down as well. Didn't seem like
there were as many VE's on the air and I totally missed ND and WY and only
worked one NE. Bands were pretty quiet overall, which is great for the ears.

Nice to work Chris K0ALT on the western slope, as well as Marv W0PSY who is
returning to contesting after a long absence. Also glad to see Brad W0CO
cranking out the Q's. Thanks also to all the other GMCC ops that were on
including Kent KH6CJJ for my KH6 mults and Gary KT0A for SD. Thanks Ken W0ETT
for the Q's and for putting together the teams.

I had a few successful QSY requests, the best being VE5MX who sashayed from 160
to 80 to 40. Very nice!

73 Randy (aka Ken) K0EU

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