[3830] ARRL Jan VHF W5ZN Single Op HP

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Mon Jan 18 11:37:49 EST 2021

                    ARRL January VHF Contest - 2021

Call: W5ZN
Operator(s): W5ZN
Station: W5ZN

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Arkansas
Operating Time (hrs): 25

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  134    70
    2:  151    80
  222:   35    21
  432:   42    20
  903:   12     8
  1.2:   14     9
Total:  388   208  Total Score = 112,944

Club: Zilla Contest Group


I had a nice run in this contest thanks to rovers. We had more rovers running
around than you could pack in to a city pound! It was really great.

I operated in the SOHP category. Saturday started off slow but no worse than
normal for January. Had a brief opening to the northeast early Saturday evening.
The bands went dead around 0400z and the rovers had bedded down for the night so
I decided to grab a little sleep. Around 1000z meteors and activity really burst
wide open for about 4 hours. Conditions for the remaining contest were normal
for January although frequencies above 432 MHz were difficult over some reliable

I lost around 25 or more FT8 QSO on 50.313 due to the path not holding in long
enough to complete. I still don’t understand why folks don’t migrate to FT4
on 50.318. I went there three times during the contest and spent about 20
minutes each time calling CQ and could not see or hear any signals whatsoever.
Hopefully the VHF contest community can come together on this before June.

The W5ZN station provided stellar performance during the contest. No equipment
issues. W5ZN station equipment for this contest was:
50 MHz:
Elecraft K3 (SSB/CW)
Icom IC-7300 (FT8)
Flex PGXL Amplifier
M2 6M9KHW Antenna
M2 7x7x7 stack 6M7JHV’s Antenna

144 MHz:
Elecraft K3 & DEMI Xvtr (EME)
Icom IC-9700 SSB/CW/FT8
Lunar Link Amplifier
M2 2Mxxx18 (Terrestrial) Antenna
4x17 Cushcraft 17B2 (EME) Antennas

222 MHz:
Elecraft K3 & DEMI Xvtr
Lunar Link Amplifier
2xFO16 Directive Systems Antennas

432 MHz:
Elecraft K3 & DEMI Xvtr
Lunar Link Amplifier
4xFO25 Directive Systems Antenna

902 MHz:
Elecraft K3 & Demi Xvtr
Directive Systems Loop Yagi

1296 MHz:
Elecraft K3
Directive Systems Loop Yagi

QSO breakdown as follows:
Band	Mode		QSOs	  Pts	Grd Mult
50	FT8		  86	  86	    43
50	MSK144	          37	  37	    24
50	USB		  11	  11	     3
144	CW		   1	   1	     0
144	FM		  29	  29	     1
144	FT8		  54	  54	    33
144	JT65		  37	  37	    33
144	MSK144	           8	   8	     6
144	USB		  22	  22	     7
222	CW		   3	   6	     2
222	FM		   1	   2	     1
222	FT8		  11	  22	    10
222	USB		  20	  40	     8
432	CW		   2	   4	     2
432	FM		   9	  18	     0
432	FT8		  10	  20	     9
432	USB		  21	  42	     9
902	CW		   6	  24	     5
902	USB		   6	  24	     3
1296	CW		   8	  32	     6
1296	FT8		   1	   4	     1
1296	USB		   5	  20	     2
Total 			 388     543  	    208
Score: 112,944

Thanks to everyone for the Q’s and grids. A very special thanks to rovers
K5ND/R, AG4V/R, W5VY/R, K2EZ/R, NV4B/R, N0LD/R, K5SRT/R. I look forward to
seeing everyone in the ARRL June VHF Contest.

73 Joel W5ZN

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