[3830] ARRL June VHF N1PRW SO 3Band QRP

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Sat Jun 19 17:52:26 EDT 2021

                    ARRL June VHF Contest - 2021

Call: N1PRW
Operator(s): N1PRW
Station: N1PRW

Class: SO 3Band QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  47     30
    2:   2      2
Total:  49     32  Total Score = 1,568



QRP in Andover, Mass at 120' ASL.
FT-817ND with 6m dipole and Elk 2M/440L5 log periodic on a 12V bench supply.

Delayed on Saturday due to forgetting to repair my FT-817 power connector.
Fortunately I had ordered new Powerpole parts but hadn't assembled them yet. By
6PM I had outfitted the '817 with the excellent N0WL Powerpole adapter and made
a Powerpole pigtail for my bench supply. The N0WL connector is a major
improvement over the old weak coaxial barrel power connector.

Mostly locals on Saturday evening with occasional brief 6m enhancement resulting
in three DX grids. Sunday morning saw a brief period of enhancement and new
grids but fizzled quickly. The contest looked like a dud going into Sunday
evening. Around 2230 UTC 6m opened to both the upper midwest and down to the
southeast. Most of my DX QSOs happened between 2200-0030 UTC Sunday.

No 432 activity observed and no response to CQ into a decent antenna. Very
little 2m noted, even during the times of no 6m enhancement. However, finally
seeing some FT4 on 6m during openings.

Fun contest. Lack of enhancement during almost the whole thing was a
disappointment, but then there was two hours on Sunday evening of 6m being open
to almost all the eastern USA.

73 Alexander N1PRW

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