[3830] SCQP KA4RLL(@W4/CHESAPEAK) Single Op FixedSSB LP

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Mon Mar 8 04:05:36 EST 2021

                    South Carolina QSO Party - 2021

Call: KA4RLL
Operator(s): KA4RLL

Class: Single Op FixedSSB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 
Remote Operation

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:          10       
   40:          24       
Total:   0      34      0  CW Mults = 0  Ph Mults = 21  Dig Mults = 0  Total Score = 2,428



First of all, I highly enjoyed participating in the SC QSO Party and this was
only possible with the help of Connor's (W4IPC) station so a huge thank you to
Connor for letting me use his remote station connected to the RHR console. 

Although the QSO party was for 11 hours in total, due to time constraints, I
only managed to operate for around 3 hours. However, I did contact quite a
number of South Carolina counties as well as special club stations so I think
that my final score wasn't too bad after all. 

Most of the stations weren't that difficult to make contact with since VA isn't
too far away from SC so I didn't have a lot of trouble breaking through the
pileups. Overall, I had an excellent time operating and I will most likely be
operating and participating in the SCQP next year as well.

Thank you to those who I made contact with and a big thank you to Connor W4IPC
for letting me use his station. Hope to see you next time!

73 de Karl KA4RLL

Radio: FLEX-6400
Antenna: 10-80m G5RV at 60ft

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