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Mon Mar 22 01:27:45 EDT 2021

                    BARTG HF RTTY Contest - 2021

Call: KH6CJJ
Operator(s): KH6CJJ
Station: KH6CJJ

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Maui, Hawaii
Operating Time (hrs): 26

 Band  QSOs  Countries  Call Areas
   80:   15       3          7
   40:   71       6         11
   20:  145      15         21
   15:   78      11         11
   10:   17       6          3
Total:  326      41         53  Continents = 5  Total Score = 153,220

Club: Maui ARC


Poor conditions and limited participation made this a disappointing event, but I
still had fun!  I really like RTTY contesting, but I wish there were more guys
on.  As usual, no Europe for me although I think KH6ZM worked some.  High power
and higher antennas make a difference. Europe is difficult from Hawaii until the
SS Cycle picks up.  I worked EA8W on 20 for Africa while I was searching for
Europe.  Conditions on 80 were particularly bad and 40 was marginal. 10 was open
to the southern US for 1.5 hours Saturday morning our time, but there were few
stations available.  On Sunday 10 was open to Central and South America for
hours, but there was little activity that I could find.  I heard YV4ABR and
TI2OY for many hours, but no one else.  NJ4P and KH6ZM were my only five-band
sweeps.  NJ4P seemed to be there whenever I was on!  Thanks to all for the Q's. 
Aloha, Kent

3 el SteppIR @35'
140' multiband dipole @40'

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