[3830] MWaveSprngSprnt K1RZ Single Op LP

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Sat May 1 16:06:39 EDT 2021

                    Microwave Spring Sprint - 2021

Call: K1RZ
Operator(s): K1RZ
Station: K1RZ

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6

Total:  QSOs = 75  Max Dist(km) = 530  Total Score = 13,362

Club: Mt Airy VHF Radio Club


The Spring Microwave Sprint certainly brought out a lot of operators.  It would
have been nice if propagation had been just a little bit better.  At start the
temperature was about 40 degrees and at finish at 2pm only up to about 60
degrees, not quite enough to make any unusual, or even normal distances.   But
the good thing is there were a lot of stations to try with, and due to some
persistence, all of a sudden a station would come out out of the noise, and get
in the log.  My best DX was Dex W4DEX EM95tg on 902 CW at 530 km.  Followed
closely by Dana VE3DS VE3FQ also on 902 CW at 524 km.  Then Phil N8LRG EN80VI on
1296.174 FT8 at 443 Km, Jay NY2NY FN30RW also 1296.174 FT8 at 436 km, and Tony
K8ZR EN91IQ on both 902 and 1296 CW at 435 km.  Rovers active were Bill W2RMA/R
FM19aw and FN00wc for 10 contacts, John N9ZL/R FM08us and FM09wb for 10 contacts
and Marco KD3PD/R FN10ha and FM19ix for 4 contacts.   Thanks to you three for
getting out in extremely cold weather up on those mountain tops.  And then there
were so many others that were active too.    Thanks to Central States VHF
Society for sponsoring this fine event, and to ON4KST for supporting the liaison
for many of these contacts.  73 all.  See you in June.   Dave  K1RZ

 Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  
   902  CW       8    2548    
   902  USB     11    1451    
  1240  CW       9    2164    
  1240  FT8      2     879    
  1240  USB     10    1300    
  2300  CW       5    1434    
  2300  USB      7     738    
  3300  CW       5    1010    
  3300  USB      3     269    
  5650  CW       3     466    
  5650  USB      3     212    
 10000  CW       3     466    
 10000  USB      5     425    
 Total  Both    74   13362   
Score: 13,362

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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