[3830] FlQP K1XX Multi-Op MobileCW LP

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Sun May 2 18:02:13 EDT 2021

                    Florida QSO Party - 2021

Call: K1XX
Operator(s): K1XX W1MD
Station: K1XX

Class: Multi-Op MobileCW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   473     
   20:  1903     
   15:     1     
Total:  2377    0  CW Mults = 68  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 646,816



Well, another FQP on the Subaru's odometer.  Each FQP comes equipped with a
unique set of good and bad events during the weekend.  This year, probably more
bad than good.

Let me start off by apologizing to the many folks that called us.  Though
everything was checked out and working fine on Thursday before the contest,
Mother Nature's rain on Friday/Saturday/Sunday gave us some real headaches in
the form of high/changing SWR on 20, RF-induced keying problems and sporadic
laptops freezes.  For most of the contest, we operated between 50 and 75 watts
to keep the RF from killing the laptop.  Probably lost a couple hours of total
operating time with the various computer issues.

In addition to rain, Mother Nature really stepped up her game on Saturday by
providing a dust storm as we tried to roll through Gulf county.  Gulf county
also seemed to have perpetual line noise throughout the entire county.  There
may be some pix and a video on the FQP web site showing that bit of fun.

Though we didn't see any iguanas, we did manage to find the headless alligator
down near Monroe.

This past Monday I spent most of the day trying to replicate our weekend
problems and then track down the source.  In general, we normally come well
equipped with ferrites that over the years have kept us free of RF problems. 
About the only thing I could replicate was the error-free operation experienced
a few days before the contest.  So, I made a couple changes to the Tiny Tarheel
II and used a garden hose to simulate Mother Nature.  Voila, the SWR took off
again.  I won't know the exact source of the problem until I can remove and
disassemble the mounting assembly from my car, but there's a definite water
entry issue near the bottom of the antenna mount that's causing the problems.  

After the simulated rainstorm, I let stuff dry out and watched the SWR return to
normal.  For the final proof, W1MD and I ran up and down Rt-95 between Melbourne
and Daytona last evening while playing in the 7QP, INQP, DEQP, NEQP for a few
hours.  In addition to feeling reasonably loud from the car, we actually played
on 80 meters a bit with great success.

Non-paid political announcement.... It's time to add 80 meters to FQP!

Just a couple other comments...If you want to be successful as an out-of-stater
in the FQP, be loud.  Between line noise, road noise, and all kinds of other
distractions in the back seat, you need to stand out in the pileups.  They're
usually 3-5 layers deep and running QRP won't cut it.  Plus, don't zero beat the
pileups.  Repeat, don't zero beat the pileups.  If all you do is click on spots,
you better be super loud and/or have lots of patience.  I don't know how many
times this same comment has been made, but being 20-70'ish Hertz off frequency
helps tremendously.  Some ops do, and they generally get through pretty quick. 
Those that incessantly zero-beat the spots typically fade into the noise.  Even
changing your keying speed will help.

I'll end on a good note.  Marty and I usually drive from Melbourne to Pensacola
on Friday, the day before FQP.  This allows us to attend the Escambia county
mini-hamfest/dinner at Jimmy's Grill in Molina FL.  Doesn't have anything to do
with FQP, but dinner out there's always a great time and attendance is now up to
7 operators.

73 Charlie & Marty, k1xx/w1md

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