[3830] NewEngQP K1M(@W1/JONESPORT) M/S HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun May 2 21:13:31 EDT 2021

                    New England QSO Party - 2021

Call: K1M
Operator(s): W4IPC AA4LS KC1KUG

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Washington, ME
Operating Time (hrs): 19:56
Remote Operation

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:     211       0
   40:     521     170
   20:     429     454
   15:     123       1
   10:       0       0
Total:    1284     625  Mults = 138  Total Score = 440,082



Big shout out to Ray W2RE for the use of the giant W1/Jonesport contest station!
The station is really designed for working EU but as we can see it does just
fine domestic too!


We started as a team of 3 kids, AA4LS (14), KC1KUG (15), And W4IPC (18) but
unfortunately Brayden KC1KUG went on vacation and the internet status was not
all he thought it would be and as such he was not even able to load web
browsers. This meant he was pretty much out of the game... He did manage to get
enough bandwidth to make one single contact in the contest by remoting into my

Special thanks to Brayden KC1KUG for getting us the K1M callsign even though he
unfortunately didn't get to use it much.

As there were really only 2 operators, we didn't expect much of a score in the
contest, but at about 11pm Saturday, Charles and I realized we may actually
stand a chance. 

Even though we did not expect much, it looks like this is a new record for M/S,
just barely passing the record set by the NN1C team last year. We are hopeful
but we are not sure if the record will make it past log checking.

Congrats to NE1QP on an amazing effort, it was a fun race on the scoreboard! It
was only until the last few hours when we were able to surpass them and even
then it was extremely close.

73 all and see you next year!

-Connor, W4IPC on behalf of the K1M team


Radios: 4x Flex 6600
Amps: 4x Expert 1K-FA (@~800w)

80m: Full sized 4SQ or 5el wire yagi @150'
40m: 4el @175' or 4el long boom @110'
20m: 4/4/4/4 tri-banders @160/125/90/55′ on rotating tower or 5/5/5
mono-banders @175/125/70' (fixed EU, top rotatable)
15m: 4/4/4/4 tri-banders @160/125/90/55′ on rotating tower or 6/6/6
mono-banders @135/90/45'(fixed EU, top rotatable) 
10m: 8/8/8/8 tri-banders @160/125/90/55′ on rotating tower or 7/7/7
mono-banders @190/90/60' (fixed EU, top rotates normally)

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