[3830] WPX CW TF/KA1IS SOAB TB-Wires Unassisted LP

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Sun May 30 21:07:33 EDT 2021

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2021

Call: TF/KA1IS
Operator(s): KA1IS
Station: TF/KA1IS

Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: TB-Wires Unassisted 
QTH: Iceland
Operating Time (hrs): 34

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   13
   40:  403
   20:  466
   15:    0
   10:    0
Total:  882  Prefixes = 499  Total Score = 1,033,928

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


I'm looking out the window at snow capped mountains over the fjord in Akureyri.
It doesn't seem real. 

Considering the geomagnetic storms this week it was a relief to hear so much
activity. One thing is for certain, I am happy not to have to send this callsign
anymore. On average I had to repeat it 3 or 4 times to make a QSO. Thanks to all
the great CW ops who stayed with me through sketchy conditions. Hopefully the
score will survive the busted callsigns.

I should have partnered with somebody here, or come 3 months before the contest
just to get a real TF callsign. Oh well. 

I was thrilled to work KH6LC. 

This QTH is at the base of a mountain.

I brought material for 2 antennas: a 20 meter long end-fed dipole, and a 5 meter
whip. Before the contest I was sure that inverted-L end-fed would be the best
choice, but ended up using only the whip, with a loading coil, and 4 elevated
radials for 20, 40, and even a few QSO's on 80 meters. 

Also before the contest I looked at the public logs of TF stations from recent
years and I was left scratching my head as to any kind of strategy for off-times
and sleep. I think I need to talk with some local hams to understand this
propagation. Even though everybody gave me 599, the QSB was insane. Signals
would drop out completely - then you turn up the gain only to experience ear
shattering fun.

The radio is an Elecraft KX2 which actually sounds awesome with headphones. And
a KXPA100 amp that I found the day before we left to come here. At one point the
amp overheated and went offline. Easy solution: open a window. Instant cooling,
just like winter in Maine.

Also using SkookumLogger by K1GQ.

Actually, the purpose of this trip was not ham radio. It's our 40th anniversary.
My XYL said she'd like to go to Iceland. I looked at the calendar and agreed,
with one small condition... 


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